The Dimension Game - Book One: A Triwizard Tournament

By Lilia Le Fay

In the year 2024, thirty years after Harry Potter's bitter victory in the first modern Triwizard Tournament, Albus Potter, his son, is hoping to become champion of the next. But this time it's going to be more difficult. There's new rules, new tasks, and a mysterious girl who enters the fray...

Last Updated

May 31, 2021





Chapter Nine

Chapter 10

Chapter Nine ~ The Weighing of the Wands

Albus entered the chamber to almost crash into a old man with keen grey eyes dressed in brown robes. He blushed furiously. Why, oh why did he have to almost take out Mr Ollivander? He muttered his apologies and the wizard laughed, not being the only one. He caught a glimpse of a smile on Lily's face.

''Albus Potter! Well, let's see your wand then.'' Mr Ollivander's eyes, bright and flickering, inspected the wand as Albus handed it to him. ''Aha, Mahogany with Unicorn tail hair. Twelve and three quarter inches long and surprisingly swishy. Very like your elder sisters, Maxine, as I recall.'' The wandmaker fired green sparks from it. ''Seems in good condition.'' He handed Albus his wand and proceeded to inspect the Beubaxton's wands, erupting roses from each of them. Then came Lily's turn.

Albus watched her closely as she handed her wand to the wizard. She looked fearful, her hand was shaking slightly. He didn't get it - it wasn't that bigger deal having your wand inspected. But as Albus thought this, Mr Ollivander was inspecting the wand with difficulty. He was rubbing it, tapping it, it was as though he didn't know what it was. A small green vine began to creep it's way up the wand and the Wandmaker held it up to watch it. Professor Mcgonagall, confused by the strange reaction, stepped forward.

''Excuse me Mr Ollivander, but what exactly is going on with that wand?'' She gestured at the item, which was now shedding a soft green glow. ''Are you doing that?'' She asked the wizard.

Ollivander shook his head and picked up the wand again. ''I can't work out what wood it's made of, or it's core.'' He turned to Lily. ''Where did you get this wand Missy?''

Lily was definately uncomfortable now, twitching, breathing heavily, trying not to look worried and failing. She took the wand off Ollivander.

''It's Laell wood and the core is hair.'' She replied quietly, looking down at her wand, from which the vines and the glow had disappeared. Ollivander's eyebrows almost disappeared of his forehead.

''Laell wood! I know every wand wood my girl and I've never heard of it.'' He looked at her closely. ''And what kind of hair is the core?''

''Laell wood comes from remote forests in Asia and the core is Mer hair.'' A voice replied from the doorway. Vlad Malfoy made his way over to the group. ''I watched her buy it, from an old Chinese wandmaker.'' Albus could hear Lily sigh with relief and watched her smile gratefully at Vlad Malfoy. An unexpected rush of anger ran through Albus' body.

Mr Ollivander raised his eyebrows again. 

''Well, whoever you are, if you can vouch for it then it must work.'' He turned to Lily whilst Professor Mcgonagall ushered Vlad out, Lily sending him another smile as he exited, before listening to Mr Ollivander.

''Lily, can you please perform  some magic with this wand?'' Lily nodded and obliged, and there were gasps around the room as a silver wolf patronus howled as it leapt round the room and a shower of green leaves fell on the group. Ollivander then proceeded to try some spell of his own, and finally announced it to be working. Professor Mcgonagall sighed with relief and left with the other two heads, the teams following them into the great hall. 

''Lily, what is your wand made up of/'' Albus asked as they made their way over to the Griffindoor table. She frowned and replied. 

''You heard, Laell wood and Mer hair.'' Albus stopped and turned to face her. 

''I'm not that stupid, you know.'' She didn't make eye contact and looked at her feet. He sighed. ''Lily?''

She shook his hands off her arms. ''I told you! Laell wood and Mer hair!'' And with that remark, she broke across the hall to visit the Slytherin table, where Vlad Malfoy was grinning at her from across the hall. Albus felt that familiar rush of anger and sat down next to Rob with a sigh. Why, oh why did it have to be Vlad Malfoy?

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