The Diary of Natalie Scamander

By ⚡Olivia Macdonald⚡

This is the diary of the one and only Newt Scamander's daughter. This is a diary in 1st person that was found in the bottom of the Black Lake. It tells a firsthand account of what Natalie's first year was like at Hogwarts. We have found her other diaries which we may later post, but we did include the chapter she wrote before she died in her seventh year at Hogwarts. Please do enjoy the reading of the infamous Natalie Scamander's diary. (WARNING: STILL IN PROGRESS)

Last Updated

May 31, 2021





A New Chapter

Chapter 1
I am boarding the train now. I must say goodbye to my papa. He looks excited. Mama looks nervous for me but I constantly remind her that I will be okay. She doesn't believe me. In fact she is afraid that I will be like Papa Newt and get expelled. She tells me that I'm too much like him. I don't mind though. I admire Papa. He is my role model. I have to leave now. I must find an empty compartment. The train is gigantic! It's a nice maroon shade and the lettering looks brand new! The compartments are almost all full. There is one with a lonely boy, who looks about my age, 11, one with a pair of girls gossiping on the latest news, about age 13, and a compartment that has a girl that looks about the same year as me who is dressed very poorly. Her robes are torn and look worn away from age. I think that I will go sit by her. I knock on the door and she opens it. "Hello!" I smile and wave at her, but she just stares at me. " Sooooo... What is your name? " I ask without taking a hint. "Augusta Longbottom." She replies stoutly. "Well it's nice to meet you Augusta!" I smile brightly and sit on the seat across from her. She is holding loads of books and supplies for the year. She looks very smart and sophisticated, yet I can see a fun look in her eye. I hope that I can get the fun to come out. We are sitting in silence now for a while, and it's getting rather uncomfortable. She is opening her textbook to read it. Come ON! It's your first year at Hogwarts! You shouldn't start off by READING your textbooks! Read Quidditch Throughout the Ages, or Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them! Not boring History of Magic or Charms; A First Year Book! Anyways, Augusta looks a lot like me! We both have brown hair and hazel eyes! We are both rather tall and skinny, so when the trolley lady came, she asked us if we were sisters! That made me smile, and I could have SWORN that Augusta smiled too! Augusta is FINALLY warming uo to me! She talked to me and now we are laughing about our funny family members. She is a very fun person to be around. I am glad we are friends. The train is stopping. Wow! Im looking out the window, and MAN! Hogwarts is GIGANTIC!!! Oh! I've got to go grab my luggage! I'll see you at the sorting, journal!
Next Chapter
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