The diary of a Slytherin mudblood...
By Olivia Lestrange
drama, emotion, and maybe romance...
Last Updated
May 31, 2021
Chapter 1-Introduction to my Life
Chapter 1
More chapters will be coming dont worry! Hey before we start my name is Olivia Lestrange, well my real name is Ophelia Lestrange but I preferred Olivia, I'm 12 about to turn 13, I have 2 snowy Owls named Des and Troy, an older brother named Hunter Lestrange who is the most amazing person you will ever meet! I think you might have guessed I'm Slytherin by now I have a best friend from Hufflepuff (I love Hufflepuff's) anyway his name is Ace Millwood (he might not think we are best friends but I have high hopes). I am a Mudblood sort of my mother was Bellatrix Lestrange but we really don't know if that is true or not as in we I mean my brother and I, Bellatrix was always a little bit crazy and sometimes even too much crazy a bit like me and what I mean by we don't know if she is our mother is she followed pureblood rules I feel really bad for Hermione Granger. but she could be our mother because of DNA testing we don't want to use magic for family reasons but we don't know the muggle father... I grew up with my brother in various different locations, we didn't have much money so we had to keep moving from place to place it was rough but we were fine we kept each other fed and warm and loved that's what counts right, I am quite tough as I needed to fight to survive sometimes using hex's and if I was dealing with muggles physical fighting had to be done, I don't have a clear conscience either I had to mug people on the streets, steal food from shops and rob homes, I don't regret all that I had to survive but if I could relive life in a different way I would but the past is the past so don't judge the past me be friends with the real/new me! PS more will be added to this chapter tomorrow...