The Danger Of My Actions

By Athena

(Wrong) Rune is left on the doorstep of a kind farmer as a baby. The farmer raises Rune as his own child, but how long until Rune finds out the truth. Rune has friends, a family, a life... but then it's all snatched from her hands.

Last Updated

May 31, 2021





The Way it Was

Chapter 1
Have you ever wished things could go back to the way they were when you're in a bad situation? Story of my life! You could never have wished it more than me. But I'm jumping ahead, this story starts at the beginning. Well, don't they all? My life was perfect. I went to school, my dad taught me archery, I had friends, my horse was the fastest around, I couldn't have asked for more. I knew that there was something about me that was different than everyone else that lived on the outskirts of the kingdom, but then again, how could I be sure? Everyone who lived on the outskirts was there for one of three reasons. They had been banned from the kingdom, they had been "too strange" to live in the kingdom, or they were farmers, like my dad. I'm an only child, how my dad got me, I don't know. I've never had a mother, but you know of course someone gave birth to me, but she was never in my life. My dad's not a... um... "ladies man" is the phrase. So I'm stumped as to how he could be my father. But seeing as my mom was never around, blood doesn't matter much to me, if they're there for me and they're in my life, then they're family. Most people disagree, blood is very important in the kingdom. And even though nobody I know lives in the kingdom, they all live by the kingdom's rules. I was practicing my archery with Ama, when I heard a shout behind us. I quickly turned, my wavy caramel hair whipping behind me. Someone's house was on fire! "Not again!" Ama moaned. We both sprinted towards the well and got full buckets of water. We walked as fast as we could without spilling too much water. Luckily we had gotten pretty good at this seeing as Starmy's house caught on fire so often. It took almost the whole village to put the fire out this time and by the end of it, the house was a smoldering wreck. My father volunteered to let Starmy stay with us while some of our more handy villagers built Starmy a new house. I was really proud of the community that we lived in. The youthful were all friends, and the adults got along. My dad beckoned for me, I walked towards him. "Could you go find some blankets, Rune? We could set up a bed for Starmy on the couch." I nodded. I ran into our house and opened the door that led to the storage. I looked through boxes until I found a brown blanket. I unfolded it to see how big it was and a piece of paper fell out of it. I bent down and picked up the paper. It was folded, I opened it up and saw a messy, handwritten letter. It looked as though it had been written by an 8 year old. Dear Sir, I have become worried that my sister would take what is rightfully mine. I cannot trust my parents to make the right decision, my sister needs to disappear. If I am to claim the throne when my time has come, Rune needs to be out of the way. I am not cold-hearted and I will not kill her. I trust you will raise my sister as peasant and not reveal her true identity until I have become the queen. I am sure that when I am older I will not care as much for her life, and I know that you will want this poor baby to survive. Yours, Liv I was staring at one line, " If I am to claim the throne when my time has come, Rune needs to be out of the way." Rune, that was me. I am Rune. I thought I was a farmer's daughter but I'm what...? Royalty? No. I've always believed that it's what you grow up as and who was in your life. I was not royalty, I am a farmer's daughter. But I would have grown up as royalty, but my sister, no... this girl, Liv, had taken me away and brought me to my father. She did me a favor, right? Who wants to grow up with more money than you could spend in a lifetime? My father entered the house and helped Starmy onto the couch, Starmy had been injured in the fire. I handed him the blanket. "Dad?" I asked cautiously, "Yes, Rune?" My father said, standing up and walking towards the small kitchen to prepare dinner. "Why did you never tell my I wasn't your daughter?" My voice didn't sound angry, it sounded curious, which reflected my feelings. My dad spun around and saw the letter clutched in my hand. "I was going to tell you, but I feared for your life. I was waiting until your sister became queen." He said sadly. I smiled, "Ok." I said simply. I did not need anymore. I knew who my family was, and he was standing right in front of me. "I think you should visit them." My father's suggestion caught me off guard and I dropped the letter I was holding. Visit them? Including the sister who had said that she would kill me? I thought he feared for my life! "I'm sure this Liv girl will have been made queen by now. That letter was given to me nearly 13 years ago, when you were a baby." Dad said, turning back to the vegetables he had been chopping.
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