The daily prophet

By Abi Potter

This is the daily prophet issues and I hope you enjoy! This book/article is not meant to be offensive in ANY way!

Last Updated

May 31, 2021





Guest writer

Chapter 8
The Weasley family has struck gold! Late last night, a young witch passing by the family's larger-than-life house spotted Arthur Weasley and his eldest son, Bill, examining a large piece of golden rock. "They looked as if they had hit the jackpot," the witch said to our local reporter. "Arthur was holding a rock in both of his hands, and they were both staring at it. I caught a glimpse of Bill's face when he looked up to speak to his father, and he looked delighted. I can't say that I blame him - after all, everyone knows that the Weasley family doesn't have much money, and a chunk of gold that large would certainly change their lives." Our reporter traveled out to the Weasley family's home this morning to ask the Weasleys for an interview. Surprisingly, the Weasley family was happy to provide a few comments. Speaking to Molly Weasley first, we were not too sure if we would be getting much more than a goodbye, but Molly was happy to speak with us. "We seem to have found a bit of luck here," Molly told us. "Last night, Arthur and Bill returned home from a long trip with a surprise for the family. The expected presents for Ron and Ginny were there, as usual, but there was a rather large object also present in the bag. Arthur was very excited about this particular object, so I think I will let him tell you all about it." We could not get anything more from Molly. However, we were definitely able to get plenty of information from her husband. Molly had not been kidding when she said that her husband was excited. Arthur was practically jumping for joy when he came to the door to speak with us. "Oh, yes, I certainly will be happy to tell you everything I can!" Arthur exclaimed to us. "Bill and I were very fortunate last night to find something extremely special. At first, we thought it was merely a rock, and we were about to drop it onto the ground when Bill spotted something gleaming underneath all of the dirt." Arthur paused after this, and we thought that maybe he had finished, but then he rushed on with, "We used some magic to clean off the dirt. Underneath it was the most magnificent rock I had ever seen. We, of course, realised pretty quickly that it was gold! We were very excited by it; and we both knew what that chunk of gleaming rock would do for us. We've never had much money, and the thought of how many Galleons we could trade that gold for was almost a dream. It's something that we had always hoped for, really. However, we aren't greedy people, so we sat down as a family and discussed what we were going to do. After a long discussion, we decided to trade in the gold and take what we were given, but we were also going to share the Galleons around. We will be doing this later today." That was all we could get from Arthur, and nobody else wished to comment or speak with us about this rather extraordinary situation. We wish the Weasley family all the best as they continue to decide what they are going to do with all this new money that they have come into. We will keep you updated as more information comes in.
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