The daily prophet

By Abi Potter

This is the daily prophet issues and I hope you enjoy! This book/article is not meant to be offensive in ANY way!

Last Updated

May 31, 2021





Wizarding Crimes: Part 2

Chapter 3
While isolated, minor cases like these are generally overseen by the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office. However, the frequency and highly specific nature of the crimes have led to the involvement of the Auror Department. However, the Auror Department was left considerably puzzled when presented with the case. "The crimes seemed to be related to one another because of their specificity, but we were at a loss as to who was behind them (and how to catch him). Then, one of our junior trainee Aurors had the brilliant idea of calling in the retired Head of the Muggle Artefacts Office and famed Muggle enthusiast, Arthur Weasley," explained Robards. Arthur Weasley is, of course, famous for his contributions to the Wizarding Wars of Britain. Father to war hero Ronald Weasley and his siblings, Arthur has garnered considerable fame as a Muggle enthusiast. Some of our readers may have come across his "Wonders of the Muggle World", a series of exhibitions all over Britain on the various wonderful instruments that Muggles have created to help them survive in a world without magic. (My personal favourite is the television, a box with moving pictures and people, similar to wizarding photographs.) The inclusion of Arthur Weasley in the investigation was a major breakthrough. When presented with the long list of apparently unconnected crimes, Arthur was immediately able to point out something - these were crimes he had already come across during his career! "It seems like someone has been paying a silent tribute to the Weasley patriarch," said Robards. "We're discounting the possibility of someone doing this out of spite for the Weasleys because of the amount of research that has gone into these crimes. Not only does our suspect dig up old crimes that Arthur has encountered during his Ministry stint, but he also replicates them as faithfully as possible. Looks like some deranged wizard who became a fan of the Weasley family." Although this was a significant lead, Aurors are still nowhere near to getting the case closed. "I feel like we're missing a major clue somewhere," said Robards, "Maybe we should look at the location of the crimes? Dorset, Durham, Dundee, Dublin, Derbyshire - hmmm, does that ring any bell?" Originally a hushed-up case, it has now garnered quite a fan-following among the general public after Arthur Weasley was involved. With giant posters adorning the city walls offering a substantial reward for information or capture of the prankster, we hope it isn't too long before the perpetrator is caught. Dear readers, please stay vigilant, and if you come across any information or clue, please send an owl to the Daily Prophet offices or contact the Auror Office at the Ministry directly.
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