The daily prophet
By Abi Potter
This is the daily prophet issues and I hope you enjoy! This book/article is not meant to be offensive in ANY way!
Last Updated
May 31, 2021
Chapter 1
Among the old, magical families of the wizarding world that are truly deep-rooted within old traditions and almost archaic beliefs, there is one family that stands tall and proud of their open-minded views on modern society. Widely known and considered as blood traitors, the Weasley family couldn't care less about pure-blood superiority, old customs, and the inferiority of Muggles and the witches and wizards who are born to them. During both wizarding wars, they have been avid supporters of the Light and are proud members of the Order of the Phoenix. Their stance in the conflict was admirably steadfast until the very end. This month, we celebrate a wizarding family like no other. Despite having little to none, they managed to give so much to the wizarding world. From their immediate and warm acceptance of a random, young wizard at the train station to their valiant efforts in the war, this family of redheads has shown bravery, loyalty, strength, and unwavering love. From the formidable mother in Molly Weasley, the comic and talented duo in Fred and George, to the youngest but fearsome Ginevra, let us take a closer look at what it is like to be a Weasley.