A book from Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom's alternating POV! When everyone thinks your strange, different, odd and even an idiot all you want to do is hide, but someone is always there to help you get through it. "Follow your inner moonlight; don't hide the madness." (I will keep adding chapters so if you like this book, please add it to your bookshelf!)
Last Updated
May 31, 2021
Chapter 1
Content Warning(s)
Graphic Depictions of Violence
This work may contain graphic descriptions of violence in detail. Please proceed with caution
Major Character Death
This story may depict the death of an important character. Please read with caution.
My whole life people have told me that I was strange, different, odd and even an idiot. Every time I would run home and shut myself in my room until my mum would come in with a tray of tea and cookies. We would sit together on my bed and talk, then my dad would come in and say, "Follow your inner moonlight; don't hide the madness." And I would feel a lot better. I still remember the day when my mum... I was nine, we were outside near a stream. My mum had brought some potion ingredients, her wand and some other magical tools. I was trying to catch frogs near the water when I heard a bang. I turned around and saw that my mother's wand was out of control. My mum let go her wand and it started whizzing around her head emitting blue, black and gold sparks. The potion ingredients were laying on the ground at my mum's feet, nearly all of them had spilled so that when she tried to back away she slipped on some puffer fish eyes and fell into the stream. I stood there unable to move my feet from shock and fear, a frog in one hand and a leaf in the other, I watched as my mum struggled to get up. when she had finally emerged from the stream soaked to the bone, her wand came zooming towards her. Her wand flew right into her and upon contact it exploded. My mum was knocked backwards with the force, and if she wasn't already dead, then she was once her head hit a jagged rock. The stream was suddenly red with blood. I dropped the frog and leaf I was holding and waded as fast as I could through the red water towards my mum. I sat on a smooth rock beside her crying until my dad found us. He asked what had happened but I was too distressed to speak. My dad told me to go inside so I did. I don't know what he did while he was down at the stream alone with my dead mum, but I do know that the second I got into my room I began sobbing so hard I could barely breathe.
Ever since then I stopped caring about what other people thought of me, my mum hadn't and I wanted to honor her memory. I also didn't want to cry anymore, it wouldn't be the same. There would be no mother to bring in a tray of tea and cookies and talk with me until my dad came home from work and cheered me up even more. My mum was gone, and I didn't want anything to remind me of that, I already felt a fresh feeling of loss every time I woke up and saw my mum's smiling face in the photograph beside my bed.
When I got my Hogwarts letter I was determined to go to show everyone that I'm not just a strange idiot. I wanted them to know that I have a past and that I'm smart and capable of being an amazing witch! But from the second I got there, I was doomed. Everyone was laughing at my earrings which was saying something because a lot of the first years looked as though they were about to vomit from being so nervous. When I was sorted into Ravenclaw I was happy because it was just the house to prove that I'm so much more that a stupid, odd idiot. I watched the rest of the sorting and clapped louder than anyone at the Ravenclaw table when a read-headed girl was sorted into Gryffindor, I had noticed that she had not laughed at my earrings and I was very grateful for that.
That year was the worst for me, I started talking about my beliefs of nargles and crumple horned snorkacks in the Ravenclaw common room and everyone made fun of me. Some kids even said that the sorting hat must've made some sort of mistake. After that I only grew stronger.
I heard whispers around the castle about Harry Potter, people were saying the craziest things. Some thought that he was the Heir of Slytherin, others thought he defeated you-know-who with dark magic of his own, other people seemed to think that he was dangerous. I didn't believe a single one. I know that he couldn't have done or be any of those things because you-know-who was the strongest, darkest, most powerful evil wizard there ever was, and besides, how was baby Harry supposed to have been more powerful than you-know-who? Harry was able to defeat you-know-who because he was obviously protected by an invisible shield of Dabberblimps, my father had talked about this in the Quibbler after you-know-who's downfall. He showed me a copy of it and I have to say that it makes perfect sense.
The next couple of years were better, I had learned to just tune out the voices of other people when they were saying mean things to me. I met the red-headed girl who hadn't laughed at my earrings, her name was Ginny Weasley and after hanging out in our charms class we became friends. She was my first friend at Hogwarts. I watched Harry Potter and the other champions compete in the Triwizard Tournament. I felt really bad for everyone in Hufflepuff when Cedric Diggory died, he was going to lead them to victory. Hufflepuff needed that kind of accomplishment, everyone thought that they were just weak and unable to duel or fight. It must have been embarrassing, they were made fun of when Cedric was murdered. It was like the universe was saying that Hufflepuff didn't deserve winning the Triwizard Tournament or that kind of triumph.
Fourth year was the best, I was part of something, Dumbledore's Army. It was fun, almost like having friends. And then I got to fight at the Ministry of Magic, I poked around a bit trying to find where the minister kept his army of heliopaths but I couldn't find anything. Fighting against the death eaters at the Ministry really put everything into perspective for me, I could see what was going to happen now, and I was prepared for it.
My fifth year was fine, I went to a party with Harry Potter, but there wasn't the D.A. anymore. My sixth year was much more exciting, I was only at Hogwarts until Christmas break when I went to see dad, I was taken hostage on my way back to Hogwarts. Harry, Ron, a very sweet and brave elf, and sort of Hermione (Though she wasn't much help) came to rescue me. Then I stayed at Ron's brother's house for a while until I returned to Hogwarts to fight against death eaters and you-know-who himself! And now I'm getting ready to start my seventh year at Hogwarts, everyone's coming back; Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville and Ginny of course.
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