The Book Of Magic

By Starlet T. Fox

Bridget has had the most boring life ever. Suddenly, she finds a book. A magic book that always makes a new page every day. She reads it and suddenly finds herself a character. Then, she finds out this is true, but in the future. Suddenly, Bridget finds her life a lot more interesting.

Last Updated

May 31, 2021





A New Book

Chapter 1

"Bridget! We need to go!" 

"I'm coming mom!" Bridget yelled; she was clearly not going to come. 


"Bridget now!" Her mom replied. 
 "Oooohhhh! Someone's in trouble!!!" Bridget's older sister, Katrina smirked. Bridget glared at her and walked up to the attic where their mom was cleaning things out. 

"What ever I did, I didn't do it." Bridget said blankly as she reached her mom. "You didn't do it." Her mom reassured Bridget. 

"Exactly." Bridget immedatly said, then turned her head to the side. "Wait, what?" 

Her mom laughed. "No silly! You didn't do anything! I just wanted to give you this!" She said, handing out a book. 

Bridget took it and examined it. 

It was an odd looking book, and it had all these designs and what almost looked like runs. It was a gray-ish color, and it looked really old. 

Author's Note:

For more detail, it looked like this, but without the lines coming out of it:

Note: This is not a picture I made.

"What's this?" Bridget asked.

"It's a book from your great-great-great grandmother. It's a interesting book. There are pages that are blank, and nobody know's why. " 

"Hmm. Thanks mom!"


"So, can I start reading it??"


Katrina groaned. "Why did it have to be her? Why couldn't it be me?" She asked dramatically.

"It was my gift!" Bridget threw her hands up in the air. 

"Yes, you can. And it is her gift. You have a gift too, but I'll give it to you later, Katrina." 

"Yay!" Bridget hoped out of her seat, grabbed her new book, and skipped up the stairs to her room. 

She started to read:


The story of life isn't what you may think. For Anna and some of her friends she had quite a story. They were heros, and they saved the world from evil trying to spread magic over the world.

At first, some though spreading magic was great, but it brought to many bad things. After all, magic can be dark. Dark magic is something that does not need to be spread. 

Even light magic has it's limits. 


Chapter one:
Anna walked through her house, wondering what was about to happen to magic....
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