The Battle Of Hogwarts

By ✰ᴍᴀᴛɪʟᴅᴀ✰

This is a story about a girl named Scarlett, who is related to the Malfoys. It is her sixth year at Hogwarts, but in this story it goes to her seventh year as well! She is there...when the Battle Of Hogwarts begins! (By the way, if you like my book, you can post on my wall,which I'd be very grateful if you did!! Thank you so much, guys! And remember that this book is in PROGRESS!)

Last Updated

May 31, 2021





2. Draco

Chapter 2
It was the next day. Scarlett woke up very early in the morning - it was still dark, to find Draco not in his bed. She got dressed, and went downstairs to the common room. Draco was not there either! "Draco?!" She called. It was quite cold in the common room, so she knelt by the fire and warmed her hands. Then the portrait hole opened and to Scarlett's surprise, Draco stumbled into the common room. He was sopping wet. "Draco!" Scarlett rushed to his side. "Have you been outside, in the rain?" Draco did not say anything. "For the last time, speak, Draco! I want to know what is wrong! Tell me now - it is only us in here." She picked up a towel that had been hanging by the fire, then draped it around Draco. Draco swallowed, then started to speak. "Scarlett... there is something that none of us told you." "I know that," said Scarlett. Draco nodded his wet head, then continued. "Well, Scarlett, he says that he will kill all me - my family if I don't - don't kill Dumbledore." There was silence. Then Scarlett cried, "Even though you don't like Dumbledore, you can't kill him!" Draco gritted his teeth and said, "Then You-Know-Who will kill my family." Scarlett stared at him. "What No, no, no! You must be... No, Draco! Are you serious? Would You-Know-Who actually kill your family?" Draco didn't say anything, but just stared at her for a second, and then looked down at his knees. "I'm... going back to bed. It's too early right now to get up. Are you going to too, or do you just want to..." Draco nodded. "Draco, I feel really concerned for you right now, okay? I do, Draco, I do." She smiled kindly at him, before she left the common room, went up to her dormitory, and she climbed on top of her bed, closing her eyes. But she lay awake for quite a while, thinking about poor Draco. Finally she went to sleep. She woke up later in the day, at like about at eight thirty. When she went into the common room, she found Draco asleep on the couch, his white blonde hair curling. She crept out of the common room, and started to walk down the staircases towards the Great Hall. She finally reached it, and she sat down on the Slytherin Table. IN PROGRESS
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