The 74Th Hunger Games- Rue'S Point Of View {Finished Book}
By Faye Chuchoter
This book is a fanfiction about Rue in the Hunger Games. Read it and you can follow Rue from the day she was reaped to the day of her death.
Last Updated
May 31, 2021
Chapter 27
When I woke up the next morning, Katniss was still asleep. I remembered last night, where that mockingjay was whistling my tune. I looked around for the bird, but I couldn't see it. Finally I caught a wing flash at me through the branches, and I felt comforted. I knew that it wasn't really from home, probably just one that really liked the tune I was singing a couple days ago, before I allied with Katniss. It still made me think that my friends from home were telling me that I had made the right decision to ally with Katniss.
I climbed down from the tree. I wanted to show Katniss that I wasn't worthless at all, so I went hunting for breakfast. I walked for what seemed like hours. I didn't just want any old berry bush. I wanted to make it fancy, but I haven't really had a good, fancy breakfast before except for in the Capitol.
I remembered my favorite part of the food, eggs. I loved the eggs. They were so good, but I still didn't like the fact that they killed harmless animals that weren't even born yet for fun, really. They weren't forced to by hunger. Well, I won't kill any unhatched baby birds for fun, just out of hunger.
I decided eggs were good. Rich and fancy, yet not too rich or fancy so it will make us sick. Eggs were a perfect breakfast if I wanted Katniss to know that I could survive on my own really well, that I wasn't as weak as a small, underfed 12 year old girl sounds like. I climbed a tree slowly. When I got high enough, I looked around for a nest.
I looked for only ten minutes when I spotted one, a little far away from the tree I was in, but close enough to get to. I leaped off of the tree to the next one, and so on until I reached the abandoned nest. When I was in the tree, I realized how different it looked. Looking down, I noticed I was in a tree growing in this swamp. When I looked back at the nest, I realized it was empty.
I realized there could be an egg in the marshy area. I climbed down from the tree and pulled the bottom of my jeans up so I could wade in. It was very shallow, but I felt a ton of fish brush by me as they swam by. I walked around for a bit, and the mud/water felt really warm. I suddenly stubbed my toe on something hard. Rolling up my sleeves, I thrust my hands toward it and felt big, heavy eggs. I knew things like that don't happen, but this was the Hunger Games!
I grabbed two and lifted them up carefully. Then I ran back to where I thought our camp was. Luckily, I wasn't too far off. When I reached the tree, the sun had already set and I was starved. I climb back up the tree on a branch nearby Katniss and I watched her sleep for a moment. Suddenly I heard shouts. Was that Cato? I was sure of it! But they sounded far off.
They must have recovered from the tracker jackers. I hear a panicked voice shout out loudly. I recognized it as the boy from I think ten, the one with the crippled leg. I had forgotten he was even in the games for a while. Suddenly the cannon fires, and I knew he was dead. I listened for more shots, but it was silent. "Who'd you think that was?" I turned to see that Katniss was awake.
"I don't know. It could have been any of the others." I didn't mention that I thought it wa the boy from District 10, because I wasn't sure and for some reason I didn't want to tell her. I said, "I guess we'll know tonight." Katniss nodded. "Who's left again?"
I thought. "Um, the boy from one, Marvel. Cato and Clove, both from two. The boy from three. Me and Thresh. And you and Peeta." I said. "Eight people. Oh, and the boy from ten, I guess, which is nine still alive. And there's someone else..." I scratched my nose, wondering who it could be, checking off people in my head. I came up with nothing.
"I wonder who died this time and how." I said. Katniss shrugged. "At least they'll hold the crowd for some time. Maybe we'll have time to actually do something before the Gamekeepers start things going again. Oh, and by the way, what's in your hands?"

Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32