The 74Th Hunger Games- Rue'S Point Of View {Finished Book}
By Faye Chuchoter
This book is a fanfiction about Rue in the Hunger Games. Read it and you can follow Rue from the day she was reaped to the day of her death.
Last Updated
May 31, 2021
Chapter 15
I saw Katniss coming to the forest and I grabbed a branch from a nearby tree. I've done it a ton of times at my house, but it seemed weirder inside the arena. I reached out and grabbed another branch. Then I got a firm grip and leaped to the neighbor tree. I leaped from branch to branch, but Katniss was a fast runner. She soon caught up to me, but luckily didn't notice my presence.
I kept up the same pace while Katniss started to slow down. Once she finally stopped to inspect an orange backpack she got, I swung further and further into the woods. Once I couldn't leap anymore, I stopped and sat down by a bush. I grabbed a sharp rock for something to do and tried to make it sharper, but it didn't work. So I sat there and caught my breath for a second. I stuffed the rock into a sock and look around.
There were a bunch of bushes full of roots, nuts, greens, and even berries! I almost shout out with joy. I recognized most of them, and so I start to pick. I'm careful not to pick nightlock, which are poisonous berries. I soon have made quite a collection. It starts to get dark and I run on my one leg deeper into the woods until my hands are numb from cold. I decide to climb up a tree for the night. I climb higher and higher until I reach the top. I wrap my belt around me and the branch under me. It was freezing.
I grab my extra pair of socks and wrap my hands in them. That helped a little bit. I looked up at the sky for a while, letting my mind wander. Suddenly the Capitol seal appeared in the sky. Following it was a picture of everyone who died today with their district number under them.
First it showed the girl from District 3. Then it showed the boy from 4. The boy from District 5. Both tributes from 6. Both tributes from 7. The boy from 8. Both from 9. Then the girl from 10. That was all. The Capitol seal appeared in the sky again, and I relaxed. Thresh wasn't dead yet.
Then I didn't know what to do but sit there. I closed my eyes and curled up in a ball with the belt still fastening me to the tree so I didn't have to worry about falling. I started to drift off, but I suddenly smelled smoke, and I was up in a flash. There was smoke! Some silly tribute had made a fire! They should have known better. Now the Careers knew exactly where they was and they'll die. They were a bit further back than me, so I was safe. I settle back down, bracing myself for the scream. I do hear the scream, yet it still was frightening, even though I was expecting it.
I closed my eyes and pretended that had never happened, and people weren't actually dying. That helped me drift off into a light slumber that lasted for the rest of the night, and I never woke up once.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32