My Handbook of Duelling
By Hiya Debnath
This book was created by me as a handbook of duelling using information from all the lessons covered at Hogwarts in different subjects from the first year to the seventh year at Hogwarts along with my personal tips for duelling to guide others and me and help others and me in my duelling practice and in my duels in the wizarding world. You will not find the rules of engagement in this book, because I believe you already know it, but you will find a lot of basic and advanced information about and for duelling, that will be helpful and useful to you and me.
Last Updated
Sept. 9, 2023
Duelling Herbology
Chapter 71
Just like magical creatures, many magical plants have different offensive and defensive capabilities.
Some examples of how these plants can be used in duelling and as which methods are: -
Mimbulus Mimbletonia- shoots Stinksap. How to deal- don't touch.
Mandrake- kills on being uprooted without earmuffs. How to deal- earmuffs.
Devil's Snare- ensnares the victim like grindylows. How to deal- Use the Wand-lighting charm or the Fire-Making Charm.
The Whomping Willow- pummels intruders within the range of it's branches. How to deal- The Freezing Charm or the Immobilizing Charm.
The W.H.I.P.S. classification of plants has classified dangerous plants according to the level of danger they pose. Just like magical creatures, you could use these as offensive or defensive means of duelling. You must know both how to deal when faced with them and how to use them to offend, to be good at duelling.