My Handbook of Duelling
By Hiya Debnath
This book was created by me as a handbook of duelling using information from all the lessons covered at Hogwarts in different subjects from the first year to the seventh year at Hogwarts along with my personal tips for duelling to guide others and me and help others and me in my duelling practice and in my duels in the wizarding world. You will not find the rules of engagement in this book, because I believe you already know it, but you will find a lot of basic and advanced information about and for duelling, that will be helpful and useful to you and me.
Last Updated
Sept. 9, 2023
Duelling Spells- Jinxes- The Dangling Jinx or the Ankle- Lifting Spell
Chapter 19
Effect: - Dangles the opponent by his/her ankles after levitating them into the air.
Spell Type: - Offensive.
Spell Block: -
Incantation- Levicorpus, pronounced as levi-COR-pus, in your mind. It is essentially to perform this spell non-verbally.
Wand Movement- Point at target.
Willpower- Moderate to High.Increases with increasing will of target.
Concentration- High, visualize target dangling in the air.
Please note that this spell was invented by the late famous wizard, Severus Snape.
Counter-Spell : - The Ankle-Releasing Spell
Spell Type: - Defensive.
Spell Block: -
Incantation- Liberacorpus, pronounced as LIH-ber-ah-COR-pus.
Wand Movement- Point at target.
Willpower- Low to Moderate.
Concentration- High.
I am going to discuss another spell invented by the same wizard, the late famous, Severus Snape, here, which can be used for duelling more seriously, but is not recommended as it is very painful, which is why it will also not be a separate chapter. It is the Slashing Curse or Sectumsempra.
Effect: - Lacerates the opponent.
Spell Type: - Offensive.
Spell Block: -
Incantation- Sectumsempra, pronounced as SEC-tum-SEM-pra.
Wand Movement- Slash wand.
Willpower- High.
Concentration- High.
This spell was used by the famous wizard Harry Potter, without knowing the spell's effects, on his arch-nemesis at Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy. The late, famous wizard, Severus Snape is said to have healed Draco Malfoy with another spell thereafter.