W. Vessels of Stone and Earthenware
Chapter 26
W3 (Alabaster basin)
n/a || Feast, Mourn
Magical Uses, Meanings, Pairings: Can indicate particularly sad circumstances surrounding the death of the individual, and/or can be involved in spells to increase hopelessness. Outside of tombs, has been used on artefacts that magiarchaeologists believe to be precursors to pensieves, though independently developed.
W21 (Wine jars)
n/a || Wine
Magical Uses, Meanings, Pairings: Indicates the presence of an Intoxication Incantation. Can be harmless fun if recognized immediately and the excavation is called off for the day. However, the danger lies in ignoring the effects, as it inspires sloppy mistakes and poor judgement.
W22 (Beer jugs)
n/a || Beer, Vessel
Magical Uses, Meanings, Pairings: See W21.
W23 (Jug with handles)
šn || Beer, Vessel
Magical Uses, Meanings, Pairings: See W21 and W22.