Fanged And Fearless
By [No Name]
I woke up i didnt know who i was what i was doing here and most importantly. .. WHAT i was
Last Updated
May 31, 2021
So Cold
Chapter 2
I woke up with a start . I looked around shakily, hoping the strange man wasnt here . Then i realized i was alone . I calmed down and stood up . I was still at the cemetery . I felt so weak, i could barely stand. I tried to walk to the bench, but stumbled many times . So i crawled, when i got to the bench for the first time i realized it was still night and that i was freezing. It was only fall and it wasnt snowing. Yet i felt like i was on the very top of a mountain. " What the heck is going on? " i asked aloud. Within a few minutes i was able to limp- walk . I began walking through the town. But... i was walking aimlessly, with nowhere to go . I began looking for someone who could help me . I looked around, noone would be out now. I saw a store called Magic For The Modern Witch, i walked over to the odd store. I tried the door, it was open! I walked inside there was an old women re-organizing shelfs full of sage, yarrow, incense, etc. I walked towards her and asked in a hoarse voice, " Can you help me mam? " The lady dropped everything and rushed toward me . She reminded me of my grandmother before ...... " Whats wrong child? " I told her about the strange man and how he attacked me . She rushed over to a book and brung it back over . She then touched my forehead and said something i couldn't understand . When i thought she was done i asked " Do you know whats wrong with me mam? " She said " yes, what is your name child? " " Victoria Moon mam . " " child " she whispered " you've been bitten ". I gasped in horror " no, no it can't be, i, i cant be bitten " . Bitten was a word i knew everyone in town knows what it means . " Victoria Moon " she said " take take this " she handed me some kind of liquid i drank it . It tasted foul like raw meat . She then gave me a knife, not unlike the one i had . The man had taken it when i was unconscious . " mam are you sure you havent made a mistake , i mean i just cant be bitten . " She gave me a sad look . Then she said, " look at your hands ." I looked down and indeed there they were on my wrists, the mark of them, the vampi