Choose Your Own Adventure – The Young Herbologist
By Alexis Constance Guillory
Beware and Warning!<br /> <br />This book is different from other books.<br /> <br />You and YOU ALONE are in charge of what happens in this story.<br /> <br />There are dangers, choices, adventures and consequences. The wrong decision could end in disaster...<br /><br />Today is your birthday and your parents, finally thinking you old enough for it, are offering you your own greenhouse. But not everything is as it seems. Will your knowledge in Herbology be enough to keep you out of trouble? Or will your decisions and lack of studying cost you more than you could have imagined...
Last Updated
May 31, 2021
Chapter 98
Chapter 98
You practice the wand movements of the Flipendo a couple of times, just to be prepared. When you feel confident enough you select the only option on the display: “Ready”. It takes a couple of seconds for the magical barrier to dissipate, but it eventually does and only the fact you already have you wand at ready allows you to cast a strong Flipendo on the medium-sized Bouncing Bulg coming towards you. As the plant is temporarily knocked out, you quickly collect it and set it back in its vivarium before making sure that all the latches are properly secured.
Now that you are safe from the plant, you have more time to examine it. The Bouncing Bulb is a nice shade of purple, shaped like a bulb with several green leaves sprouting from its top. You know they have the ability to grow to the size of doorways and you desperately hope that this one doesn’t get any bigger or you’ll have to learn the Incendio spell and, well, fire and plants don’t really mix.
You look at the conditions display and it says “Fair”. Wondering what could be wrong with the Bouncing Bulb’s environment, you do the spell to show the pH level. A 7.0 appears over the vivarium. Knowing that the plant needs a neutral soil, you confirmed that this is not the problem. The area is also relatively bright, so your best bet is that the plant needs watering. You go back to the front to get some Centaur Tears and rain it down on the Bulb. The conditions display go from “Fair” to “Good”. That’s a job well done!
Feeling proud of yourself, you move to the next the next magical barrier and check what the riddle is this time:
“I am the false green onion used to ward off evil.”
If you answer “Shallot”, go to Chapter 113.
If you answer “Gurdyroot”, go to Chapter 105.