Choose Your Own Adventure – The Young Herbologist
By Alexis Constance Guillory
Beware and Warning!<br /> <br />This book is different from other books.<br /> <br />You and YOU ALONE are in charge of what happens in this story.<br /> <br />There are dangers, choices, adventures and consequences. The wrong decision could end in disaster...<br /><br />Today is your birthday and your parents, finally thinking you old enough for it, are offering you your own greenhouse. But not everything is as it seems. Will your knowledge in Herbology be enough to keep you out of trouble? Or will your decisions and lack of studying cost you more than you could have imagined...
Last Updated
May 31, 2021
Chapter 104
Chapter 104
You select the choice that says “Gurdyroot”. The magical barrier shuts down and you see a plant resembling a green onion. Its foul smell though definitely distinguishes it as a Gurdyroot. You’ve read that supposedly its taste is just as awful as its smell, not that you plan on confirming that knowledge. Your Gurdyroot is already at 15 centimetres in diameter, its maximal size. This tells you that it has been given a lot of sunlight.
You remember from your studies that the Gurdyroot itself is used to ward off evil, but that it is also an ingredient in potions attributed to this same purpose. Gurdyroot Infusion, a drink made with this plant, is said to ward off creatures.
You look at the conditions display and it says “Good”, meaning the soil is sufficiently nutritious, the plant has received adequate amounts of water and sunlight and the area it is planted into is at least seven and a half times the size of the bulb. It also means that your Gurdyroot is not currently under attack by bugs. You have heard of a protective spell that can be placed around the Gurdyroot, the Nonperiurabis. You will have to ask your parents if they placed it.
Happy with your inspection, you move to the next the next magical barrier and read the riddle:
“I am the Queen of Poisons; in large dose, I shall kill you, in small dose, I shall poison you. Yet I can be used to slow heart rate and treat skin pain.”
If you answer “Snakeroot”, go to Chapter 118.
If you answer “Aconite”, go to Chapter 116.