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Lesson 3) We've All Got Bruises (Lab #1: Bruise Removal Paste, Headaches, Stomach Aches, Cramps, Colds and Flu)

Welcome back to the dungeons for our first lab this year. We will be concocting a Bruise Removal Paste, which is simple enough to create and a great place to start building your healing repertoire. As I mentioned, I will not have time to go over all of the potions recipes in class that I would like to teach in a year of healing potions. However, knowledge of a bruise removal paste would be a very good idea for those of you that dabble in Quidditch or contact sports.

While many of the qualities of this Bruise Removal Paste are very similar to that which you may have seen in certain well-known books, I cannot be sure if this recipe was the exact one that they were using. There are many variations for bruise removal, as it is one of the more common afflictions that witches and wizards want to treat. It is a slightly more complicated recipe than we have done in previous years, but now that you’re in your third year, I have faith that you’ll be able to complete the lab quite skillfully! Just make sure to follow the directions as listed at each cauldron.

This particular recipe is relatively new, as it was only discovered in 1953 by a Swedish potioneer by the name of Loki Gunderson. Unlike many of the other potions we have brewed, which had very interesting stories involving mishaps and maladies, this was actually a relatively straightforward discovery. Other potions to assist in the healing of bruises already existed, and Loki was merely looking for one that would be a bit milder than many of the others that had previously been discovered. He was also looking to speed up the healing time a little bit without causing too much unnatural platelet activity. If you look at this recipe in comparison to other recipes that are still popular, you will notice that it is not drastically different. I tend to prefer this one, however, both for the inclusion of pomegranate juice as well as powdered sulphur.

The development of this potion involved a rather typical research and then trial-and-error based process whereby Gunderson followed protocol as we studied in the first half of last year: securing funding from the Swedish Ministry and then undertaking smaller and then open testing processes before getting his findings reviewed. He eventually announced his discovery in conjunction with the British potions company Salisbury Salves, who has been manufacturing a commercial version of this Bruise Removal Paste ever since.

Bruise Removal Paste

Estimated Brewing Time:
Pewter cauldron: 1 hour, 26 minutes and 5 seconds
Brass cauldron: 1 hour, 18 minutes and 5 seconds
Copper cauldron: 1 hour, 10 minutes and 53 seconds

Total Brewing Time:
Pewter cauldron: 19 hours, 26 minutes and 5 seconds to 1 day, 1 hour, 26 minutes and 5 seconds
Brass cauldron: 19 hours, 18 minutes and 5 seconds to 1 day, 1 hour, 18 minutes and 5 seconds
Copper cauldron: 19 hours, 10 minutes and 53 seconds to 1 day, 1 hour, 10 minutes and 53 seconds

1 L of water
1 peeled Shrivelfig
3 sprigs of dittany
2 horned slugs
5 teaspoons of pomegranate juice
6 lacewing flies
4 dried nettles
4 tablespoons of powdered sulphur
3 caterpillars
3 tablespoons of Flobberworm mucus


Part One:

  1. Add 1 L of water and bring the heat to 363 Kelvin (90°C/194°F).
  2. Juice one Shrivelfig into a clean vial and slowly add the juice to your cauldron.
  3. Stir once clockwise.
  4. Add three whole sprigs of dittany to the cauldron.
  5. Bring the heat up to 383 Kelvin (110°C/230°F) for 20 seconds, and then reduce heat again to 363 Kelvin (90°C/194°F).
  6. Add two horned slugs to the cauldron.
  7. Stir three times counterclockwise.
  8. Leave potion to brew in your pewter cauldron for 25 minutes. (This would be 22 minutes and 30 seconds in a brass cauldron and 20 minutes and 15 seconds in a copper cauldron.)

At the end of Part One, your Bruise Removal Paste should be a deep bluish green, and it will emit pale green smoke when brewed correctly. 

Part Two:

  1. Add five teaspoons of pomegranate juice
  2. Add six lacewing flies and four dried nettles to your mortar and pestle. Crush to a fine and even consistency
  3. Add three tablespoons of the crushed mixture in your mortar to the cauldron.
  4. Bring the heat up to 383 Kelvin (110°C/230°F) for 15 seconds, and then reduce heat again to 363 Kelvin (90°C/194°F).
  5. Stir twice clockwise.
  6. Add two tablespoons of powdered sulphur to the cauldron.
  7. Stir three times clockwise.
  8. Leave potion to brew in your pewter cauldron for 35 minutes (This would be 31 minutes and 30 seconds in a brass cauldron and 28 minutes and 21 seconds in a copper cauldron.)

At the end of Part Two, the potion will be a pale green color, similar to the tint of the smoke that was emitted after Part One. The smoke emitted will be a light pink

Caution: Be careful not to add all of the sulphur during step six. If you do, the smoke will turn purple and the potion will likely turn a deep red. If this happens, safely dispose of the potion, as it will cause large blood blisters to form if it comes in contact with the skin, and in some cases, cause the skin with which it comes in contact to sprout thick, bristly black hair.

Part Three:

  1. Add three caterpillars to your cauldron.
  2. Stir three times counterclockwise.
  3. Add two tablespoons of powdered sulphur to your cauldron.
  4. Bring the heat up to 383 Kelvin (110°C/230°F) for 30 seconds, and then reduce heat again to 363 Kelvin (90°C/194°F).
  5. Stir twice counterclockwise.
  6. For the last time, leave the potion to brew in your pewter cauldron for 20 minutes. (This would be 18 minutes in a brass cauldron and 16 minutes and 12 seconds in a copper cauldron.)
  7. Take cauldron off the flame and let cool for 5 minutes.
  8. Add three tablespoons of Flobberworm mucus to the cauldron. A bit more may be added if you want an even thicker consistency.
  9. Stir with a wooden spoon to ensure an even consistency.
  10. Use a funnel or a Siphoning Charm to transfer the potion to a vial.
  11. Leave the vial in a moderate to cool, dry place for 18 to 24 hours before use.

At the end of Part Three, the potion will be a medium-dark yellow. Before it cools, the smoke will be a light, canary yellow. The potion will smell a little like fresh-cut grass or freshly dug earth.

To Store: 
Please store the Bruise Removal Paste at room temperature. Small temperature fluctuations will not harm the paste, but it will become thick and goopy in cold weather and thin and runny in hot weather. Please avoid storing the Bruise Removal Paste in direct sunlight, as this will cause it to expire more quickly. The Bruise Removal Paste is good for up to eighteen months after brewing. After this time, it should not cause harm to apply it, but will be mostly ineffective and may cause the skin to turn a faint bluish color.

To Use: 
The Bruise Removal Paste should only be applied topically. It should never be injected or swallowed, as this can do serious damage to your circulation. To use Bruise Removal Paste, simply apply a small quantity of the paste to the bruised area and massage gently into the skin. It should not hurt unbruised skin to come in contact with the paste, so you can rub it in with your (clean) bare fingers. The bruise should begin to disappear in five to ten minutes, and depending on the size and severity of the bruised area, may take up to an hour to disappear entirely.

You should never swallow the Bruise Removal Paste or get it in your eyes. If the paste ever comes in contact with your eyes, please flush them thoroughly. If you have any burning sensation after your eyes have been flushed, consult a healer immediately. Please also see a healer if you swallow the Bruise Removal Paste in any quantity. This paste should be safe for almost all to use, including those who are pregnant, although it is not recommended for children under five. While those who are nursing may use the paste, it is advised that they use it in moderation, as it may find its way into their milk, which will be ingested by the nursing child.

If you experience a severe itching or burning sensation or if the Burn Removal Paste causes a rash or any skin discoloration, stop use immediately and consult with a healer. Allergic reactions with this recipe of the Burn Removal Paste are rare, but may include mild to moderate itching, burning, rashes, sneezing fits, severe headache, nausea and upset stomach.

The Bruise Removal Paste should not be used by those suffering from haemophilia (to be discussed later in the lesson). While it will not cause them overt harm, it will not stop continued internal bleeding. Those who suffer from haemophilia should always consult with a healer before using any preventative potion or remedy.

Typically, when a healer is faced with a minor isolated symptom such as a stomach ache or a headache, he or she will recommend one of the milder, non-brewed remedies I mentioned in the previous lesson. These are less invasive than potions or chemical solutions, which can occasionally cause side effects worse than the affliction being treated. However, there are some cases, such as migraines, debilitating stomach aches or ulcers, and severe muscle cramping, where a healer may want to prescribe a potion of some sort. Most of these potions can also be purchased without a prescription at an apothecary or even brewed at home.

Migraine or Yours?
Migraine headaches describe severe, chronic headaches that are often on one side of the head only. In fact, the name migraine came from the Greek hemikrania, which means “half skull.” Migraines are considered neurological disorders, and as well as the oft debilitating headaches, frequently come with light sensitivity, nausea and even vomiting. Many who suffer from migraines find themselves incapable of functioning or working when they come down with one of these headaches.

Interestingly, we still do not know exactly what happens in the brain that causes the severe headache associated with migraines. However it’s thought that it’s related both to genetic proclivity (if one’s parents or ancestors were prone to them), as well as triggers such as improper diet, stress, and hunger. There are four classified stages of a migraine, although not every migraine displays each of these stages every time. Potions exist that help manage symptoms throughout each of the four phases, as well as preventative potions that can often preclude full-blown migraines from developing.

The most common ingredients used in most of these potions include frozen Ashwinder eggs, dried rose petals, lavender oil and bat spleens. Interestingly enough, Ashwinder eggs are also used in love or lust potions, while bat spleens are also used in sleeping draughts. While it makes sense that ingredients that ease the mind towards sleep would be used, the inclusion of Ashwinder eggs in many of the variations of migraine remedies is interesting, suggesting that the magical properties of these eggs alter the chemical composition of the brain in a way similar to obsession or attraction. It may be that they increase complacency in a way that relaxes the mind and eliminates any stressors that may exacerbate the headache.

When treating a migraine, it is preferable to try to catch it before it progresses to full-blown headache, light sensitivity, and nausea. Most witches and wizards who suffer from migraines keep a supply of Migraine Management Serum and Prodromal Preventative Potion with them in case they feel a migraine coming along. At this point, these potions have been perfected in order to have a relatively long shelf life and to not be incredibly sensitive to minor fluctuations in temperature. Although you should confirm the exact dosage when brewing or purchasing a specific recipe, most call for five to seven drops placed directly on the tongue or in tea. Many witches or wizards prefer to take the drops in chamomile tea, partially for chamomile's soothing effect as well as the psychological ease that many feel when sipping tea and other warm liquids.

Troublesome Stomachs
When dealing with minor stomach afflictions, complicated potions and chemicals typically do more harm than good. However, there are many reasons for chronic stomach troubles, typically associated with stress, to cause a healer to want to take more drastic action. One of the most common stomach afflictions for a healer to treat is peptic ulcer disease, or stomach ulcers. These are essentially painful sores on the lining of the stomach that cause a good deal of pain and discomfort. There are varied explanations for why an ulcer may occur, including stress as well as dietary concerns and other factors. However, whatever the cause, it leads to an imbalance of digestive fluids that erodes the lining of the stomach. Symptoms of ulcers include nausea or vomiting, severe burning pain in the upper or middle abdomen, heartburn or even bloating. If untreated, it could even eventually cause stomach perforation. 

If standard stress relief and minor stomach aids don’t assist your patient, you may want to try more drastic measures. There are various potions that simply aid in rebuilding the stomach lining, such as the Stomach Strengthening Serum, but that likely will not treat the root of the problem. As a healer, it’s wise to figure out what may be causing your patient these troubling symptoms. If it has to do with a specific diet, the Stomach Strengthening Serum and a recommended change of diet may assist with their problems. However, if the cause is stress-related, you may also want to prescribe a mild stress relieving potion. This can range from a simple Calming Draught to various sleeping potions or even more severe neurological potions. 

Ulcers can also be caused by a bacterial infection known as Helicobacter pylori. Typically in this case an Antibacterial Antidote will assist greatly in restoring stomach balances. There are, in fact, Stomach Strengthening Serums that have been safely tested in conjunction with Antibacterial Antidotes to ensure that not only is the stomach repaired, but the bacteria that caused the infection is eradicated from the system as a whole within a day or two.

One concern to note when treating stomach problems is that it is also possible that intense pains and other symptoms were caused by a slow-acting poison or an otherwise dangerous liquid that was ingested by the patient. We will discuss poisons and their antidotes later in the course, but suffice to say for now that occasionally poisons and other damaging potions will manifest as an ulcer. It will likely exhibit more insidious qualities later if it is a slow-acting solution, so proper precautions should still be taken if the healer has at least the briefest question of the health of the patient.

Catastrophic Cramps
Almost all of us have experienced cramping. Regardless of where the cramping occurs - stomach, calf, arm, or elsewhere - or the cause, a cramp is an involuntary seizing or contraction of a muscle. Essentially, your muscle clenches or gets smaller and refuses to relax. If you’ve ever experienced a cramping in your calves, for example, you may have noticed that it’s also difficult or particularly painful to bring your foot to a ninety degree position from your ankle. Instead, a position in which your toes are “pointed” may feel a little less painful. This is because the muscles in your calf - the back of your leg - are contracted. Cramps can last a matter of seconds or even carry on for hours. Cramps can occur as a result of calcium or magnesium deficiency, vitamin deficiency, dehydration, injury, vigorous exercise without properly warming up and many other potential causes. Certain medications can even cause an increased chance of muscle cramping!

If a person experiences cramping only once in a while, or if it’s only associated with menstrual issues, it should be no cause for concern. A simple Cramping Concoction should do the trick to ease the symptoms. A pre-brewed Cramping Concoction can usually last eight to ten months before it must be replaced. If you only experience cramps very sporadically, then a tiny dosage kept at any given time should be sufficient. Even a Pacifying Potion or a Draught of Peace show a great deal of success in easing the sufferer’s pain, as both tend to relax muscles throughout the body, which also encourages those muscles which are experiencing cramps to ease their contraction.

If it is a more regular occurrence, other measures should be considered. For example, consider whether the person suffering from cramping is experiencing a deficiency in the vitamins or minerals as shown above. Do they need some sort of nutritional potion to be consumed daily, or maybe a Hydration Serum? Of course, the preferred method of dealing with these particular causes would be a more balanced diet or more water consumed in a day, but there are potions that exist should that shift in lifestyle be somehow unlikely.

The Common Cold, Coughs and the Flu
Unfortunately, despite all of the advances in potions that have occurred over time, much like Muggles, wizards also do not have a perfect cure for the common cold. The most common remedy for colds and similar maladies is the Pepperup Potion, which, while it does not get rid of the viral infection associated with colds, it does alleviate the symptoms dramatically. This is not a potion to use should you be around Muggles, however, as it causes steam to emerge from the ears of the imbiber for several hours subsequent to taking it.

There are other potions that, while they do not create effects quite as dramatic as the Pepperup Potion, can help to alleviate many of the symptoms exhibited both by colds and the flu. The Coughing Potion, for example, will alleviate respiratory issues and congestion that contributes to a steady cough. There are also cough drops, which consist of a very specific recipe of cough-alleviating magical ingredients hardened into small pills that dissolve in your mouth and provide relief. They work similarly to non-magical cough drops, except that they promote healing in the portion of the lungs or respiratory tract that is experiencing abnormality or infection leading to coughing and discomfort.

One thing to note about coughs is that they can become a self-sustaining issue if they are not treated or soothed. The initial irritant will cause the afflicted person to begin to cough. Once they begin coughing, the very act of coughing itself will provide further irritation, and the cough will continue and often worsen. This can lead to much more severe lung issues as well as overall discomfort. This is why, while many healers hesitate to over-prescribe, they will likely at least provide cough drops in the case of a persistent cough. Healers should also be vigilant to watch for symptoms of pneumonia, a lung infection that varies in severity, but can, in some cases, be fatal for those with low immunity or other chronic ailments, as well as the very young and the very old. There is actually no one cause for pneumonia: many other lung infections and viruses, including the flu, can lead to pneumonia.

Of course, should you have a fever, even if you take a Fever Diminishing Potion, it is best to stay at home for a day or two lest you get your colleagues or classmates sick. Even if you diminish the effects of your cold or bout of influenza, there is still a good chance that you will be contagious, as witches and wizards do not yet have a potion or magical remedy to prevent contagion.

Bumps, Cuts, and Bruises
Typically, bumps, bruises and other smaller cuts and scrapes can be treated either with a salve made from dittany - or simply ingesting it - or the Bruise Removal Paste. This also includes blisters that have burst or other minor skin irritation caused by external sources. However, in rare cases, it is crucial to monitor patients who may have more severe disorders that make them incapable of recovering from even relatively minor cuts and bruises. Haemophilia is a genetic disorder that can affect both wizards and Muggles. This disorder impacts the blood’s ability to heal a cut or other wound. The severity of this condition can vary from relatively easy to manage to very real dangers posed simply by relatively small gashes.

When a person cuts him or herself, a healthy person’s body has chemicals that cause the blood in the area of the open wound to clot, or become thick enough to block the opening in the skin and prevent the person from losing too much blood. However, in the case of a person with haemophilia, they do not possess some combination of those chemicals that prompt clotting. Thus, in extreme cases, even a small open cut can continue to bleed and become very dangerous. The most common form of haemophilia, Haemophilia A, consists of a lack of protein known as Factor VIII, while Haemophilia B indicates a lack of a protein known as Factor IX. Both are important proteins that assist in blood clotting.

Magical healers most often use a potion known as the Clotting Cordial when presented with a patient suffering from haemophilia. While it is impossible to repair the genetic disorder that causes haemophilia in a person, potions such as the Clotting Cordial can at least make it relatively manageable through artificially inducing the body through magical means to create and balance the proteins it is missing. Milder forms of this potion are often sold at apothecaries for those who have haemophilia to purchase and keep on hand for home remedy. However, should you or someone you know have haemophilia, please ensure you consult with a healer regarding the best treatments and course of action for the specific situation.

And with this overview of treating simpler maladies, we will conclude our lesson for today. Be sure to complete the assignments and I look forward to seeing all of you next week.


Original lesson written by Professor Lucrezia Batyaeva
Image credits here and Wikimedia Commons

In Year Three of Potions, students will focus on Healing Potions. For the most part, the course will cover physical healing for simple and more complex maladies. Every lesson will include a lab exercise that will teach the student how to brew a medicinal potion related to the material covered in the lesson.
Course Prerequisites:
  • PTNS-201

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