Kylie Kwon


You were red, and you liked me because I was blue.

  • Joined May 2014
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


LEGAL NAME: Kylie Michelle Kwon. | kylie - meaning from the Aboriginal word for boomerang. michelle - meaning ‘who is like god?’ kwon - Some sources list as many 56 clans, but most of them were merged with the AndongKwon clan under the Sijeung-gong faction soon after the establishment of the Republic of Korea.
ALIAS: Michi.
DATE OF BIRTH | ZODIAC SIGN: April 21st. | taurus - is the second astrological sign in the present Zodiac. It spans the 30-60th degree of the zodiac, between 27.25 and 54.75 degree of celestial longitude. Under the tropic zodiac, the Sun transits this area on average between April 21 and May 20 each year. Under the sidereal zodiac, the sun currently transits the constellation of Taurus from May 16 to June 15 (approximately). People born between these dates, depending on which system of astrology they subscribe to, may be called Taureans. The symbol of the bull is based on the Cretan Bull, the white bull that fathered theMinotaur and was killed by Theseus.
OCCUPATION: Hogwarts student.
PERSONALITY: Kylie is quiet when nervous but at the same time, she can be extremely outgoing. When her friends are with her, she feels at her best and comes out of her shell.
EDUCATION: Kylie is in her 7th year.
NATIONALITY: Caucasian/African-American/Korean.
FAMILY MEMBERS | SIGNIFICANT OTHERS: Jennifer Kwon (mother; deceased); Kwon Sung Ho (father; alive—living in south korea); Lee Ji Soo (aunt; alive— former caretaker).
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: heterosexual - is romantic or sexual attraction or behavior between members of the opposite sex or gender. As a sexual orientation, heterosexuality refers to "an enduring pattern of or disposition to experience sexual, affectionate, physical or romantic attractions to persons of the opposite sex"; it also refers to "an individual’s sense of personal and social identity based on those attractions, behaviors expressing them, and membership in a community of others who share them".
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single, too afraid to actually date.

HAIR COLOR | EYE COLOR: Naturally, a brunette, Kylie has had variations of hair colors. She has gone jet black, even blonde and teal. | Brownish-Green eyes.
HEIGHT | WEIGHT: Kylie stands at a below average height of five feet, four inches. | she also weighs in at one hundred and twenty pounds (120lbs).
PIERCING | TATTOOS: Her cartilage in both ears are pierced, belly button pierced. | She has a scattering of tattoos along her body that she tries to keep hidden during school.

SECRETS: She’s yet to know where her mother went off to and dislikes the fact that she is, indeed, deceased. She has lymph nodes disease and refuses to tell people about it.
LIKES: Reading, divination, potions, music, a full moon, flowers.
DISLIKES: Defense Against the Dark Arts, being left alone.
ADDICTIONS: Kylie is clean with no addictions, thank goodness.
STRENGTHS: She can be extremely level-headed at certain times; she is also very smart and able to think logically.
WEAKNESSES: She’s too sensitive for her own good.
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English, Korean, Japanese, French.

Books Authored by Kylie Kwon

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