Hello Everyone!! My names Davina St.Clare. I'm a Pureblood and my favorite classes are Potions and Charms.
- Joined September 2020
- Member of Slytherin
- 179 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
[ Basic Information ]Full name: Davina Hydra St.Clare
Nickname: (give her some. . .)
Gender: Female
Species: Witch
Date of birth: November 12th
Blood status: Pure-Blood
Wand: 10 Inches, ebony wood, phoenix feather core , rigid flexibility
[ Appearance ]
Hair colour: Black
Hair style: naturally curly most likely pulled back out of my face.
Eye colour: Green
Skin tone: rosy-pale
Height: five feet one and a half inches
Weight: a hundred and twenty pounds
Clothing style: when not in practical house attire, her style is considered autumnal chic
Accessories: a family charm necklace, grandmothers tiger eye ring, and reading glasses
Other distinguishing features: tattoo on her left ring finger, and a butterfly behind her right ear.
[ Personality ]
Traits: shy, sassy, passionate, traditional, stubborn
Likes: the night sky, butterbeer, quidditch, being outdoors, time with family and friends, books
Dislikes: heat, silence, bugs, tight or constricting clothing
Good at: charms, singing, being on time, baking
Bad at: gardening, hiding her feelings, dancing
Hobbies: baking, strolling the school grounds, reading
Fears: fire, failure, heights, Voldemort
Ambition: win house cup
[ Family ]
Father: [CENSORED]
Mother: Meredith St.Clare
Sibling(s): 1 younger brother (Deceased)
Pet: True Athene Owl named Little foot , English short hair cat named Sokka
Social standing: upper middle class
Family background: The Family history has always kinda been blurred a little bit, my Grandparents on my farther side disowned him once he was sorted into Gryffindor. My mother was a Slytherin everyone on her side of the family tree had been a proud slytherin.They almost disowned her once they discovered who my father was, they have always been hard on me because of it, holding me to a different standard wanting me to prove myself as a proper St.Clare. Ive always worked harder because of that reason, they were so happy to learn I was also a Slytherin.
[ Individual Magic ]
Wand reaction when first held: A little green flame danced around her.
Patronus: marble fox