Sassafras Slumber


Will you dare associate with me?

  • Joined September 2020
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 46 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


* P e r s o n a l I n f o r m a t i o n *
Name: Sassafrass Slumber
Pronouns: She/her
Nickname: Call her by her last name... unless she gives you the right to call her by her name/nickname.
Relationship Status: Single
Age: 11
Blood Status: Pureblood
Wand: Beech Wood 13 3/4" with a Phoenix Feather core and Unbeding flexibility.
Patronus: Rhinoceros

* G e n e r a l A p p e a r a n c e *
Sassafrass Slumber has greenish-grey eyes. She has long black wavy hair with curtain bangs, and is 5'5 at the moment. She has black thick brows, and pale skin. She always wears an emerald ring given to her by someone whom she will never reveal.

* H i s t o r y / B a c k g r o u n d / R e l e v a n t I n f o r m a t i o n *
Sassafrass is a witch sorted into the horrendous yet beautiful house of slytherin! This decision was made by the sorting hat due to the thirst for power Sassafrass holds. The decision was not immediate, the sorting hat was deciding whether Ravenclaw or Slytherin would be a better choice, as Sassafrass is quite artistic, but the thirst of power overthrew that and the sorting hat put Sassafrass in slytherin. Sassafrass was raised a family that always were slytherins, and they have a hatred for hufflepuffs for their dark past with a certain family. Sassafrass is ashamed of her father for marrying a muggle, a muggle who left her family and has not returned. Although her father did marry a muggle, she is not a half blood, as her true mother was a witch who unfortunately died while fighting.
Sassafrass is looking to work with the ministry, perhaps getting the most power possible in the wizarding world. She finds dark magic to be fascinating although she knows she should keep away from it. Sassafrass also loves potions as she's a very logical thinker and loves solving puzzles, and takes time before making a decision. Making sure it benefits her the most. She also finds life to be boring at times and likes to bend rules for a little excitement. And she is very excited for her potions class and defense against dark arts class so that she may benefit, and have more power and control over herself and even others.

* H o b b i e s*
Her hobbies include writing, drawing, reading and art. She also loves flying, and enjoys quidditch.

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