I, Maledra Lestrange the daughter of Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange, so beware for I will hurt you if you hurt me!
- Joined July 2020
- Member of Slytherin
- 21 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
I, Maledra Lestrange am the daughter of Bellatrix and Rodolphus. Although my parents were fearsome Death Eaters - I can be kind. But beware, for if you hurt me - its a rule - I'll hurt you!
My Backstory:
It was a late afternoon, in the middle of December at Malfoy Manor I was born. NO one knew, not even Lucius, considering I was born in his house. Draco was just 2 years older that me - so in about 11 years he would go to Hogwarts and I would go a couple years after and - of course - would excel.
But how? Actually, since my mother is the closest person to the Dark Lord, he would teach me until I was ready to go to Hogwarts. When I was sixteen, I was given the Dark Mark, and a task - to get Lucius and my mother out of Azkaban. So, I posed as Draco's girlfriend - Maledra Corvette - I went into Hogwarts at 15, pretty late - but well educated. (Draco didn't know I was born, the Dark Lord demanded that - he had future plans).
So far, that's my life - although I never got to the part of getting Lucius and my mother out of Azkaban - my mom's dead and Lucius - he got out on his own, and fled when the Dark Lord perished.
So, since Hogwarts is still under construction - and will be for the next couple of years, i'm stuck on this Muggle electrinics - (I think that's what they call it, or is it electronics?)
I'm doing extra years at Hogwarts even though I'm 19.
- Maledra
Some facts about me:
- I actually have friends (Thks Libs, Blaze, Callie, Riley and Luna and others that I don't remember)
- I am actually good at D.A.D.A (Defence Against The Dark Arts), considering the Dark Lord taught me.
- I am the author of Heirs of Dark Magic (Pls if you can read it)
- I can speak french (it helps, when your talking to Grindelwald's french companions, they're alive)