

  • Joined July 2020
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


The wizarding world was free again, and the surviving Death Eaters were imprisoned, as well as those who had collaborated with them. The Battle of Hogwarts created a huge power vacuum in its aftermath. Most Voldemort's Inner Circle and Death Eaters go down, thanks to the coward that is Lucius Malfoy. Also, after After Voldemort was defeated, Umbridge was arrested and sentenced to Azkaban for the remainder of her life, as many of the Muggle-borns that she had sent there had died under the Dementors' care. So everything has gone back to normal and that's why I decided to go. Less risk of dying! Favorite class is potions and least favorite class is Transfiguration. Hufflepuff for life

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