Noa Graham


  • Joined July 2020
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 7 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


My name is Noa Graham and I was sorted into Slytherin House. I don't know why the Sorting Hat made this decision since I always pictured myself as a Gryffindor but I think I have some of the Slytherin traits. My ambition to become an writer is really high and some of my friends say that I'm very good at making my way out of problems even if I have to lie to make it.
My favorite classes are DADA, Potions History of Magic (I absolutely love history. It can be the history of a country, of a place... I love it ) and Treat of Magical Creatures. And one class that I don't like even a little bit is Herbology. I try sometimes but seems like that class don't like me at all and I end up making all of my plants die.
I'm a half-blood. Muggle mom, magical dad. That didn't affect much my life and I don't think it's an important thing. Some people think that by being a Slytherin I would think that only those with magic in their families are worthy of being in Hogwarts and learning magic but the blood status of someone couldn't be less important for me. I think a person's character and actions will define their value, not a name and some important relatives. And yeah, my family is half magical and my father is a pureblood but I don't have that much contact to my relatives of his side of the family. His parents didn't agree with their son marrying a muggle and having a half-blood daughter so they didn't even bother to show up in his wedding and in my birth. I know them only by photos and think that is enough. The only paternal relatives that I know are my father siblings. My aunt is really cool. She moved away of my grandparents house once she graduated and now live by studying magical creatures. She always has something nice to show from her travels around the world and some cool stories too. My uncle on the other hand... I only saw him once and until now I don't know why he came into our house, but I know that in that day he and my father argued and shouted at eachother for hours. My cousins (children of my uncle) and I are in the same Hogwarts House but most part of the days we act like we aren't related at all.
I consider myself a really creative person and a loyal one. Loyalty is really important to me. Yes, I think that in some cases, the ends justify the means but being loyal to those around you is crucial. One of my weakness may be that I don't believe that I have the potential some people say I have and that I have the tendency to break the rules. Not that I'm a rebel, but in some cases I have to do what's not... Recomended to achieve something.
After my graduation at Hogwarts I hope to be able to publish my books and be a writer but I also dream of becoming teacher of History of Magic at Hogwarts just to have a way to earn money while my books don't become famous. Maybe I will continue as a teacher even after that (here I am assuming that someday my books will make success... Ha ha...) because I feel like it's a thing that I like to much to give up that way.
So... That's me. Your average Slytherin girl.
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