
1st year student

someone lmk how to get house points? :(

  • Joined July 2020
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


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My whole life, (not really, more like 4 years) I thought I was a Hufflepuff, but turns out the Sorting Hat thought otherwise. When I heard it call out "Slytherin!" I was EXTREMELY appalled. I thought I'd dislike my time as a Slytherin, but turns out I'm pretty proud. Not all Slytherins are evil after all, and if that's been proven false time and time again, I'll be the first to break it. My absolute FAVORITE class was history of Magic, because growing up as a muggle-born, I've looked up to fairytales, and even felt that they were real at times. To find out I was right all along was a HUGE revelation. In the Wizarding World, being a muggle-born at first seemed like something I should be ashamed of especially since I'm a SLYTHERIN, but turns out all of that was wrong. You get treated basically the same as others, or maybe even better. However, the purebloods are always going to nag you about life as a muggle, I don't really understand why it's so interesting to them. My greatest strength is my ability to care, I'd say, but let me know what you think. On the other hand, my greatest weakness is communicating VERBALLY. Might need to make a potion to fix that. Oh and also, I always forget to put the e before the i in recieve. You see? Next on the list, something interesting about my family, is the ability to adapt to literally anything. We're a bit lazy at times however, extremely resourceful (not including my ma), which is why after I received my letter, the amount of shock compared to when I first showed them lessened much quicker than normal. Not sure if I should be concerned about that, but moving on. If you read all that, we're officially friends. Or peers, or mates, or whatever you call a friend.

Books Authored by Ontora

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