Komori Hiina & Others.


"I wanted to change the world. Did I? No. Will I? Probably not."

  • Joined July 2020
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Name: Komori Hiina.
Age: 15.
Appearance: Wavy dark brown hair, honey orange eyes, tall frame, slender.
Relationship: N/A.
Sexual interest: Homoromantic Asexual.

Hobbies: Bothering people, knitting edgy socks.
House: Hufflepuff.
Favorite Subject: Herbology.

Love: Rainy days, soft sweaters, lazy afternoons.
Hate: Being commanded to do something against his will.

Goal: ...

Name: Dakota Hiina
Age: 15
Appearance: Basically the same as Komori, just straighter hair.
Relationship: N/A.
Sexual Interest: Bisexual Panromantic.

Hobbies: Following Komori around, scaring people.
House: Hufflepuff.
Favorite Subject: Astrology.

Love: Sunny days, jeans, party nights.
Hate: Being expected too much of.
Goal: .....
Picture: None for now..

Name: Yuuji Teramor.
Age: 17.
Appearance: Curly black hair, Dark brown eyes. He has a medium skintone, and looks like the average asian teenager with an ongoing bad hair day.
Relationship: Non-existent! :D
Sexual interest: Gay. The “No Homo” Kind.

Hobbies: Graffitiing walls whenever he can. It’s often not big and flashy, but something more simple, like a small “Filch Smells!” or something.
House: Slytherin
Favorite Subject: Potions.

Love: Butterscotch Pie, Making fun of people.
Hate: Getting reprimanded for the graffiti on the walls. Cinnamon Pie.

Goal: Be the most annoying twat in the entire school. Obviously.

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