The Hedgehog Knight

House Ghost

Am I a knight ? No, I'm a monk. I used to have a very special book. Now I'm a house ghost of Ravenclaw. Am I taking studies again ? Yes ! Why not ?

  • Joined June 2020
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 27 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Canada


I was born in 1250 near Berat., in the now-called country of Albania. I was a peasant for a small noble family, the Dervishis. Their armories were a hedgehog They treated us like cattle. I was always moved by passion for letters. The Dervishis only had one book, the Bible. Once as I delieverd carrots to the kitchen, I slithered in the halls to find the table where it layed. It didn't end well, blessed are not the poor in Berat. That was the first time my magic was evident. Lord Dervishi woke up the next day with swollen ass cheeks. Born as the 9th child of the family, I was set to enter the Orthodox Church as a monk. At a time were monasteries were popping all around the region, it was common for one of the children of a populous family to chose to path in service of the Lord.
As a monk, I copied books. It was my job. I also kept a diary of life in the monastery, which was sometimes useful to end quarrels or to set things clear. The monastery was the best place for a wizard. Like most wizards born peasants, we did not know that there was a community out there. The existence of witches was not widely known or believed back then. Who could know who the village witch was ?
In any case, I was aware of my powers. Without a wand, I made all my books magical. They told the story of everything that happened around them. They were the eyes of the monastery. One day, they will become the eyes of Albania.
As French influence grew in the region, at the hand of Charles of Anjou and the albanian nobles, I learned French. It wasn't an easy process, as I had only an Albanian Bible and a French Bible to complete this task.
In 1270, Louis IX, King of France, organised a crusade against the city of Tunis. They wanted a scribe. A simple monk to write down what was happening on this voyage, while the knights drank and fighted. Lord Dervishi sent me on the boats headed to Tunsi when they arrived in Albania. He wanted to be in the good graces of Charles of Anjou.
I went on this voyage with only paper, ink and a quill, without counting the clothes on my back. As the scribe, I was on the ship of the highest ranked nobles. One day at sea, a huge storm took over the ships. The ship was dangling to the point where we couldn't determine where was up and down. It then happened, a huge wave hit the deck, and took three men in the water. I jumped. I couldn't swim, but I knew my magic could. They hung me a rope, and I battled to get up with the only man I was able to find and retrieve from the water. It was Charles. Charles was arrogant and full of himself. He was cruel. I spent the last days of my life wondering wether the other two men deserved to be saved more than Charles did. Nobody knew who they were. They were from the ship's crew.
There is a reason why Charles fell overboard from the wave : he was drunk. On the heat of the moment, after he spit out the water, he decided to proclaim me a knight. I decided to be called the Hedgehog Knight. I figured it would be a big finger to Lord Dervishi.
When we arrived in Tunis, I did not plan to fight. I planned to stay on the boat. But Charles of Anjou thought otherwise. "You're a knight", he told me, as he put an old sword in my hand with no armor.
Needless to say I died that day. I am no fighter, I will not pretend I was some kind of hero. Sometimes, magic without a wand is not enough to fight off a group of skilled soldiers. I was in the vangard, I was stabbed and bled to death. Look, you can even see my wound. Charles saw me die, of course, as he was backstage of the battle.
All my magic was in the books. After the crusade failed, Louis IX turned my pages into a book in order to "keep the memory of his sins". He meant the sin of losing the crusade. But my books recorded everything. When Louis IX realised that, he was afraid. He took out all the page about him, and gave it to his enemy, Charles of Anjou.
In 1272, Charles of Anjou, of the French Capetian dinasty, became King of Albania thanks to our nobles. Albania wasn't under byzantine control anymore, and it became a Kingdom.
When Anjou saw that the book recorded his every action, he feared for his position. The albanian nobility was already favoring the byzantine more and more.
Anjou gave it to his daughter, who saw this book as a blessing. She then gave it to her own daughter, who gave it to her own daughter, who gave it to her son, who hid it in a hollow tree in the middle of a forest.
The book slept in the hollow tree for centuries. The book was in hiding.
Until one day. Until I started keeping company to a certain diadem.
Ravenclaw's diadem.
Centuries went by, again.
The diadem had powers. The book had powers. Two objects in hiding, telling the stories of their previous owners to each other. The diadem took over the memories of the book, and the book disappeared forever.
So much so that when Tom Riddle came to the Hollow Tree, he only saw a diadem next to an invisible book. Riddle took the diadem, but he took the book with him. Books could take many shapes and forms, and this one had lost its physical one. It was only but a memory, a memory full of knowledge.
Helena Ravenclaw. She called me. I was not in the mortal world. I was somewhere else.That's when I knew I had to come back.
Ghosts are special creatures.
Questions asked, no answers given. Death remains a mystery to wizards, and that's because ghosts keep their secrets.
I went back to the mortal world because I knew what this book would contain. The story of Voldemort. All of his secrets and his thoughts. I followed the book to Hogwarts. Helena gave me the location of the diadem, and I put all of the memories of the book in a new one.
I then gave the book to one very special wizard. Albus Dumbledore.
I stayed at Hogwarts. You can see me, a monk with a dangling sword and a stab wound, but mostly a book in its hand.
The story of my book is the best kept secret of Dumbledore and this world.
You are the first one to hear it.
The book's name, chosen by Louis IX, is " The Judgment of Destiny ".

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