Rose Amilia Stark


  • Joined June 2020
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Germany


I am a proud Ravenclaw, it didn’t took the hat that long to sort me in but he was wondering if I was Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. But in the end I ended up here because I just love learning new things and get better at all sorts of things. I am also pretty funny but sometimes people don’t understand my jokes. I laugh a lot. My favorite classes are potions (I also love cooking) and Astronomy because the stars is one of the things in the world that I am really interested in. I don’t like the history classes, it’s boring but at least I can sleep when the professor isn’t paying attention to me. Somehow I still remember all of the facts and always get good grades. I am pureblood, but my hole family isn’t. My dad was pureblood but his grandfather was halfblood. And my mom comes from the weasleys. Although She and her mother moved to the U.S when I was just two years old. I grew up there but my mom insisted to send me to Hogwarts which is why we spend every summer in the U.K. I was in first grade when Voldemort attacked. My parents didn’t send me to Hogwarts so I wasn’t there when he was killed but family members were. Sadly we lost Fred and many others in there. I really liked him, the twins could lighten everyone’s day in seconds. I am pretty good at running, I love it. I run every day in the morning, well when I am not to late.. I sleep pretty long. But I am scared of heights. Ginny wanted to teach me Quidditch ones when we spend the summer in the U.K. But I almost fainted. I cannot look down when I across the bridge in Hogwarts...I am just terrified. When I am older I want to have a little shop in the diagon alley. My grandma ones had one, she still owes it but it’s just an empty unused little shop. I want to sell stuff for potions in it. She said that she would give it to me. When I graduate I will at first take a few years without anything to do. I will probably travel a lot in a Muggle way..I love cars they are amazing. Then I will meet the love of my life in Spain and together we will continue to travel. That would be nice. I think that the most fascinating thing about magic is what it can do. And I really mean CAN, it’s dangerous but beautiful at the same time. It can help you out of many situations but it can also bring trouble. It’s just amazing to see how many different things it can be or do. But it’s not a toy, it’s a gift and we should all be thankful for that. I often use magic to of course sometimes help other but also to just joke around with friends. I mean why shouldn’t I use it for fun. It’s dangerous but it can be so cool to just do like little pranks on friends. FRIENDS. Bullying is not okay, and I really don’t do that. I don’t have any pets right now but I used to have a big spider. Back in America, her name was Peter Parker and I know it’s not a girls name but I insisted to name her that way, so after a few arguments my dad gave in. Sadly she died a few months ago. She was really cute, I don’t understand why people think that spiders are disgusting, she was adorable. Last year my parents got divorced. I think it’s better that way because they just kept arguing the hole time. I am mostly with my dad but sometimes I also go to my mom and we visit the rest of her family together. I mean I don’t see them very often because I am in Hogwarts, but I was talking about the holidays.

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