Busy Getting into trouble from Teachers...
- Joined June 2020
- Member of Gryffindor
- 174 House Points
- 1st Year
About Me</color>
Name: Ginny Lovegood
House: Gryffindor
Year: 1st
Blood Status: Half - Blood
Time Zone: IST (India)
Wand: Rowan Wood with a Unicorn Hair core, 11" and slightly yielding flexibility
Patronus: Dolphin
Animagus: Wolf
Boggart: Death
Pets: Hedwig (An owl named after Harry Potter's Owl), Cheeku (A Rabbit)(I do actually own a rabbit named Cheeku There's a pic below ;)] Sirius ( A dog)
Favorite Subjects: Charms, Defense Against The Dark Arts, and Transfiguration
Skills: Spell-Casting, Leading, Responsible
Hobbies: Writing, Reading(mostly books like Percy Jackson and of course Harry Potter), Anime( LOVE IT), K Dramas, Animals, Magical World, Magic, etc
Looks like: Brown hair a little below shoulders, brown eyed, fair skined, I am really small and people keep calling me cute.
Personality: Cute, kind, short, loyal, trustworthy, gives great advice, loves friends,emotionally shut off.
Signature Spell: Patronus Charm
Relationship Status: Straight and Single

My Back story
Hi! I am Ginny Lovegood. A proud Gryffindor. I received my letter like everyone when I was 11. My father who's a wizard was ecstatic to send me here while my mother who is a muggle less so. I was probably the best moment of my life as only a few people in India ever got the letters. </color>
I first showed signs of magic when I was 9. After I made a spade fly towards a bully. It's not something I'm proud of but let me just day.. He deserved it. I absolutely love the subjects taught here specially Defense Against The Dark Arts, Transfiguration and Charms</color>
I'd say I'm very kind and thoughtful. I always put other people before myself. I am really good with my wand and I love playing the guitar, breaking the rules, being loyal. I'm also an Ambivert so people keep blaming me for changing sides at a Quidditch Match Day</color>
One thing I'm proud of is mastering all kinds of difficult spells. The one I am most proud is The Patronus Charm. I learned it while still being in first-year. It has actually become one of my signature spells as I need to stay away from Boggarts my worst fear being Death. Yes The Patronus Charm might keep him at bay for a little while some other person locks it away. I have already found my Animagus.. A wolf. It's really useful for night time wanderings in the Forbidden Forest</color>
I got my wand from Ollivanders like every other kid my age did. It truly is a wonderful shop. My wand is Rowan Wood with a Unicorn Hair core, 11" and slightly yielding flexibility</color>
Books by me : (Just click on the Title)
Coding Your Backstory!!!
Somethings about me </color>
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Sirius (My Dog)

Cheeku (My Rabbit) And yes I do own her in real life an I lover her

Hedwig (My Owl)

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Colour: Blue
HP Book: Prisoner of Azkaban
HP Film: Half - Blood Prince
Book Series: Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Divergent, Percy Jackson, The Maze Runner, The Shadow Hunter, The list is infinitely long
Band: BTS
Solo Singer: Taylor Swift
Muggle Subjects: Languages and English, Physics, Chemistry
Sweet Treats: Chocolate Frogs, Butter Beer
Animals: Owl
Takeaway Places: Dominoes and McDonalds
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Coding Your Backstory!!!

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Have A Good Day</color>