Hello! Don't know what to put here... I'm Sara. Draco Sara. Wait that's wrong-
- Joined June 2020
- Member of Gryffindor
- 8 House Points
- 1st Year
Hello! I'm Sara. I come from a half-blood family. My mother's a witch, she works at the Ministry in the Department of Magical Transport and my father's a Muggle. I have a younger sister but she can't go to Hogwarts because she is too young.When my letter arrived I was so excited! I mean, I was waiting for that all of my life! My mom was so proud. She said I was going to be a Ravenclaw like her but it turns out I was sorted in Gryffindor and I am pretty sure my sister's going to be in Slytherin.
I love Transfiguration and Defense Against the Dark Arts. I also like Flying, Charms and Herbology (there's others but these are what I like more). But I don't like History of Magic I think it's boring.
I'm studying to be an Auror. It's hard because you need a lot of N.E.W.Ts but I think I can do it. While I am at Hogwarts I'll study as many subjects as I can, a bit like Hermione (maybe I can be Minister of Magic like her someday ahah) What are you studying for?
I'm a music lover and not only music from our world. I love muggle music! One of my favourite hobbies is playing instruments. I think my taste in muggle music came from my dad and I don't blame him for it, I absolutely love it! I also love read and draw (I am not that good in the last one).
Wand: Pine wood with a phoenix feather core, 12 ¼" and supple flexibility
I hope I can make friends here!