Aurora Campbell


its an avocadooooo... thanks

  • Joined May 2020
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 25 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Brazil


I am a slytherin muggle born student,and honestly, i thought i was gonna be a hufflepuff, but apparently the sorting hat had other plans for me, it decided my house in like 10 seconds, which was pretty fast. Im ambitious, but not that much, and i guesss im kind of a natural leader too... oh well. My family isnt completely muggle tho, my uncle is a wizard too, hes an auror, a very important one, and he helped me buying the stuff i needed to go to hogwarts, so im very greatful for him.
My favorite class would have to be Herbology or History of Magic, i also enjoy Flying, but im not very good at it lol. Defense against the Dark Arts is cool too, but i dont particurlaly like it, although im very good at this class.
My greatest strengh would have to be my capacity for dealing with stressful situations, and being able to adapt to different circumstances, so i think when i graduate hogwarts i want to be an Auror, its really cool how they help people. I really want to change the world, and to be important you know?
I have a pet, a owl, shes a northern saw whet owl, so shes very small, but gets the job done anyways. Also, her name is nyx, cause she sometimes blends in the night sky.

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