
House Ghost

  • Joined May 2020
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 152 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United Kingdom


I was extremely shocked when I received an invitation to join Hogwarts! I was merely a half-blood with hardly any powers, but excitement overfilled me and I had to join. The day finally came where I was sitting down in front of everyone waiting for the Sorting Hat to make his choice... 'Ravenclaw!' He shouts as a table filled with students begin cheering and clapping.

From then I was a proud Ravenclaw student and even managed to become a prefect in the last year, until the misfortunes that happened in 1998. I died while keeping the younger students save. I'm proud to say that I carried out my tasks and destroyed the death eaters that were attacking us, but unfortunately my wounds from the attack were too severe and I passed shortly after.

Now I remain inside the school keeping an eye out for students and occasionally play some practical jokes on them, I can't help myself! As a forever older student I do sometimes attend classes to make sure I'm learning all about the new schemes, and make sure I can help all my other fellow Ravenclaw. For now I'll continue to wonder and do my job until my assistance is no longer required.

Books Authored by Hwayoung

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