Aoife O' Brien

Muggle Teacher

  • Joined May 2020
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 50 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Ireland


Teacher of Muggles here! As a muggleborn, I spent my first few years going to muggle school where I grew to love learning. Which makes me sound like a Ravenclaw...but I'm actually a Hufflepuff! As a teacher I try to bring my Hufflepuff qualities into my classroom, encouraging inclusivity, loyalty, hard work and kindness. You'll never see me raise my voice at a student.
I could never choose a favourite subject to study at Hogwarts, I love them all equally but in the Muggle world, I teach English Literature. It might seem strange that I decided to become a teacher in the Muggle world, but as a Muggle born I feel its important to remain some muggle heritage. I love the magical world so much, but I shouldnt have to ignore my Muggle heritage, especially now that Voldemort is gone.

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