

  • Joined May 2020
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Germany


(Older Student) When I first recieved my Hogwarts letter, I thougt I was going crazy at first. I had to show it my family. They laughed. I was so confused. Then they told me they all are wizarts at the "Minestery of Magic". I thought it was just a dream or a prank! But at the 1. Septemer we all went to the diagon alley and platform 9 3/4. So I had my first year. I was sorted in house Slytherin and gainted some friends. For example Draco Malfoy, he is kind of in love with himself and spoiled. He seems arrogant and annoying, but in reallity he is very kind and care for his friends. So I became friends with him. Also I met Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger at the diagon alley in the second year. So we became kind of friends too. Naah Malfoy didnt liked it very much... My family didnt approved that I was sorted in Slytherin and became friends with Malfoy, but I dont mind.
Im in year six. In year one I bought myself a black cat, so I wouldnt be so alone in hogwarts. My favorite subject is Ghoul Studies. In my free time I like to go to Hogsmeate with Malfoy and the others. I love to read and write my own books. Also I like to draw and play the guitar. But I'm also rebellious, so dont think you can mess with me or my friends.

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