My name is Hailie, I'm 11 years old and a Hufflepuff. My mother is Hecate, godddess of Magic and controler of the mist. My father is a half-blood.
- Joined May 2020
- Member of Hufflepuff
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
My name is Hailie Switzlesin and I'm 11 years old. My mum is Hecate, Greek Goddess of Magic. My father is Robert Switzlesin a half blood wizard. I have lots of half siblings on my moms side. On my dads side I have two. My step-mum's name is Mable, she and my dad had two kids, both boys. Jack is 9 and Henry is 7. My step-mum is a muggle.My dad was in Gryffindor and works as an auror for the ministry of magic. I suppose my mum was impressed with my dad's magic because they met on one of his missions. They started hanging out and, eventually, Hecate gave me to my dad and had to leave. I, unlike lot's of my demi-god friends, understand that she had to leave. But I am a Hufflepuff so maybe it's just my nature.
Like my mother, I can control and manipulate the mist. So, if you ever need help covering up some magic, just come to me ;)