Emerald Riverana Black


I am the daughter of Sirius black and Serana RIver longbottom (read Cowboy Casanova) I am slightly crazy but very nice

  • Joined May 2020
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 14 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Name:emerald riverana black
Age:same as harry and friends
Star sign:Sagittarius
Appearance:knee length black hair with emerald green tips,blue eyes, freckles
House: slytherin (secondly griffindor)
Blood: pure
Wand:11 1/3 in. oak veela hair
Pantronus: Arctic fox
Magical abilities: turn into wolf werewolf
Favorite class:potions
Pet: Black owl named death

Positive traits:pretty friendly smart cunning sly

Negative traits: can be mean stubborn nerdy over excited always partying

Likes:reading listening to music dancing eating hanging out with harry, Hermione, and Ron potions

Dislikes:math history of magic stupid people veggies
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