Lilly Lovegoof


  • Joined May 2020
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 180 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Canada


I grew up with my mother and father. My mother is a healer and often asked me to help her in the garden or when making less dangerous potions. My father used to be an Auror, however, a year after I was born, he decided to follow a slightly less dangerous profession and instead became a rather accomplished alchemist.
Because I have always been surrounded by creative types, I have developed a fascination with practically everything, especially charms, and have dabbled in experimenting and inventing new potions and spells which I plan to continue doing as a proper job someday.
My parents always taught me to be kind to others and to work hard and stand up for what I believe in and I was elated when the sorting hat put me in Hufflepuff. I may share many characteristics with Ravenclaw but I believe it is my kindness and compassion that are at the forefront of who I am rather than my curiosity and love of learning.
For now, I content myself with learning, playing Quidditch, and finding all the passages in Hogwarts to keep me entertained and will contain my dangerous inventing habits until I can learn more. As soon as I do learn more, I will ask that you all do your best to ignore any interesting smells or explosions you may hear coming from behind a certain statue of a one-eyed Witch and I will, in turn, pretend that you did not sneak into the kitchens to swipe a muffin.
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