Evaleene Vivianne ♡

~☆~》Vivianne Fam《~☆~

. °. • 《Hi! I'm an aromantic asexual agender anxious adhd mess ~Owner of acc. :3》°. • .

  • Joined May 2020
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


~Please don't make me do all the work, meaning give some sort of reply that keeps the RP moving. It's hard having to make everything up.
~I typically write long-ish replies and don't enjoy it when I get a one-sentence answer. So, please ..write
~I like doing all RPs including ( but not limited to ) adventure, normal friendship building, muggle, magical, romantic, etc.
~For Romance RP's I can do anything from just hand holding to making out in a closet (lol) but no mature so please don't ask. Anyways, just let me know a rough idea of what you'd like before we start the RP
~RPs are just RPs, if you would like a proper romantic "relationship" of any sort with one of my characters then A)already be Rp-ing with me so I can actually get to know your character and B) owl me and I'd love to work something out. ( Please understand if I decline, It's not to be rude, a girl's just allowed to say no ). So basically unless permitted, all romantic relations will stick to owls.
~Ages and years can change, the ones that are written are pre-made to help create some structure and basis.
~Please treat my OC's and I with respect.
.........That's all I ask! Thanks! :D.......

About Evaleene :

Profile Picture ~ Bridget Satterlee

Full Name ~ Evaleene Royce Vivianne

Nickname(s) ~ Eva, E

Age ~ 16

Gender & Pronouns ~ Female ~ She/her

Sexuality ~ Lesbian ( Homosexual )

Relationship Status ~ Single

Looks ~ Tanned messy hair and dark red eyes entwined with brown make up most of her looks but she's tall, 5ft 7 and slim. ( Shown in Profile Picture )

Looks Cont. ~ Typically dressed in dark-wash jeans, sweaters, and her Ravenclaw robe.

Year ~ 6

House ~ Ravenclaw

Status ~ Sixth year student

Species ~ Witch ~ Vampire ( Change according to RP )

Likes ~ Rainy days

Dislikes ~ Dark Chocolate
My mother never said it would be easy to be a Ravenclaw at Hogwarts. I come from a pureblood family of Slytherins, so when I was sorted into Ravenclaw my family was disappointed highly but I'm not the biggest disappointment of my family. My 9 other siblings were mostly sorted into Slytherin except for the second-oldest, Emmalina who was sorted into Hufflepuff and the third-oldest, my brother Ean, who was sorted into Gryffindor. I'm the fifth oldest and happily living with my grandmother after my father threw out all the non-Slytherin children.

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( Other characters who I will use from time to time. Just ask/tell me if you are interested in RP-ing with one of them ~ Also Evaleene's siblings )

About Carissa :

Profile Picture ~ Alice Vink

Full Name ~ Carissa Klein Vivianne

Nickname(s) ~ She doesn't let anyone nickname her except her mother who calls her Rissa.

Age ~ 19

Gender & Pronouns ~ Female - She/her

Sexuality ~ Straight

Relationship Status ~ Single

Looks ~ Thick black hair usually pulled back in a tight ponytail or braided down her back. Crimson red eyes and warm honey skin. Her slender build makes her look frail but she's quite the opposite. She stands at 5 ft 6 inches

Looks Cont. ~ You will see her dressed in tight black dress slacks, flowy white tops, and small gold accessories

Year ~ Graduated

House ~ Slytherin

Status ~ Graduated Student

Species ~ Witch

Likes ~ Using her magic

Dislikes ~ Hot Weather
I am the first of ten children. As well as the family's greatest achievement. I scored highest in my class with ease, studying doesn't exist in my world for I learn everything the first time. I come from a line of pureblood Slytherin and of course, being the oldest I have the duty to uphold the family's picture. ~ I enjoy spending plenty of time with people I fancy as well as playing my piano, archery, knife throwing, and running. Some might say that I'm stubborn but I see no point in doing things that don't pique my interest.

<iframe width="100%" height="300" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/331803840&color=%23080708&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true"></iframe>

About Emmalina:

Profile Picture ~ Bonny Rebecca

Full Name ~ Emmalina Quinn Vivianne

Nickname(s) ~ Em, Emma, Lina

Age ~ 18

Gender & Pronouns ~ Female - She/her

Sexuality ~ Bisexual ( Leans more towards girls but will take anyone who cares for her )

Relationship Status ~ Single

Looks ~ Short shoulder-length brown hair that's usually curled. Deep green eyes and olive skin. About 5 ft 5 inches tall

Looks Cont. ~ The eighth year enjoys wearing flowy dresses or mom-jeans and crop tops.

Year ~ 8

House ~ Hufflepuff

Status ~ Seventh Year Student

Species ~ Witch

Likes ~ Puppies

Dislikes ~ People who have bad vibes
I come from a mostly all Slytherin household. It was all Slytherin until I came along and broke the chain. My father was the most disappointed but would end up having several more children, two of which would break the infamous Slytherin only chain. ~ I enjoy reading, dancing, playing my cello, and tree climbing.

<iframe width="100%" height="300" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/671356070&color=%234cbcd8&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true"></iframe>

About Ean:

Profile Picture ~ George Shelley

Full Name ~ Ean Walt Vivianne

Nickname(s) ~ Eany, Eany Beany ( Reserved for future girlfriend :3 )

Age ~ 17

Gender & Pronouns ~ Male - He/him

Sexuality ~ Straight

Relationship Status ~ Single

Looks ~ Unruly brown locks cover the top of his head. He's got the eyes deeper red than blood and the same olive skin tone as Emmalina. He's lean but semi-muscular and 5 ft 9.

Looks Cont. ~ He outfits consist of jeans and joggers with plain t-shirts but also lots of hoodies.

Year ~ 7

House ~ Hufflepuff

Status ~ Seventh Year Student

Species ~ Wizard

Likes ~ Movies rather than books

Dislikes ~ Rejection
I'm the third child of the Vivianne children. I was the second largest mistake my father made or claimed to have made. I was thrown out at the age of 11 and sent to join my sister with my grandparents. ~ I like swimming, flying, and only surrounding myself with people who care about me.

<iframe width="100%" height="300" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/723511579&color=%232d2dd9&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true"></iframe>

About Sam :

Profile Picture ~ Adelaide Kane

Full Name ~ Samantha Olivia Vivianne

Nickname(s) ~ Sam

Age ~ 16

Gender & Pronouns ~ Female - She/her

Sexuality ~ Bisexual

Relationship Status ~ Single

Looks ~ Flowy hair as dark as midnight hangs around her shoulders and deep-set jade-colored eyes adorn her face. She's not thin rather slightly the opposite. Her curves define her body into a subtle hourglass and her height stands at a firm 5 ft 5.

Looks Cont. ~ Dressing only in high-waisted ripped jeans, tight shirts, and an occasional jacket.

Year ~ 6

House ~ Slytherin

Status ~ Sixth Year Student

Species ~ Witch

LIkes ~ Rollarcoasters

Dislikes ~ Standing around for too long
I'm Evaleene's twin, or rather she is mine but we are not alike. Possibly in looks but never in personality. Evaleene prefers to test the waters before getting in but I dive headfirst, no matter the consequences. ~ I prefer late night adventures and skipping most all my classes, leaving the dirty work to my siblings. I'm fun and outgoing and you might see me making out with someone, might not.

<iframe width="100%" height="300" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/774714985&color=%23e32b14&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true"></iframe>
About Camden :

Profile Picture ~ Sean Grandillo

Full Name ~ Camden Emmett Vivianne

Nickname(s) ~ Cam

Age ~ 15

Gender & Pronouns ~ Male - He/Him

Sexuality ~ Gay ( Homosexual )

Relationship Status ~ Single

Looks ~ Fluffy brown hair and a dark forest green eyes with fleks of brown, he is slightly paler than his siblings. He is 5 ft 7 and thin, but also muscular from quidditch and soccer.

Looks Cont. ~ Camden dresses mostly in button up shirts, sleeves rolled to his elbows, and jeans but you can also see him in a T and his black joggers when he's outdoors.

Year ~ 5

House ~ Slytherin

Status ~ Fifth Year Student

Species ~ Wizard

Likes ~ Hot Chocolate

Dislikes ~ Untied Shoes
Several disapointing children had been born and living by the time I came along. My father was hoping with me to be the first proper son. Except, after learning I was gay my father turned me away and no longer acknowledges me. I tried to make it up to him by begging the sorting hat to sort me into Slytherin but it was no use. I not open about my sexuality because of a bad relationship ending so don't wait for me to talk about it ~ I'm fun and outgoing and spend most of my time playing quidditch and soccer. I would for sure consider myself athletic. Aside from sports though I like to hang out with my friends in the woods or read in the library.

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About Alix :

Profile Picture ~ Noen Eubanks

Full Name ~ Alix Francis Vivianne

Nickname(s) ~ None Currently

Age ~ 14

Gender & Pronouns ~ Non-binary - They/them

Sexuality ~ Demisexual

Relationship Status ~ Single

Looks ~ Their eyes are a rich green and brown what some might call hazel but they think their eyes are too green for that. They used to have black hair but ended up dying it red. Their hair falls around their face but oftentimes they push it back. Honey skin and a leaner build are complemented with a height of 5 ft 6.

Year ~ 4

House ~ Slytherin

Status ~ Fourth Year Student

Species ~ Wizard

Likes ~ The smell of the woods

Dislikes ~ Their father
My father sees me as just as much as a dispointment as my non-slytherin siblings and refuses to acknowledge me as a person since I told him that I am non-binary. I used to cry myself to sleep hoping for him to accept me but that sadness has just grown to a slow burning anger. ~ I love spending my time drawing and writing but I also enjoy listening to my little sister, Rory, play her piano and my older sister, Emmalina, play her cello.

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About Lillith :

Profile Picture ~ Lily Kruk

Full Name ~ Lillith Marie Vivianne

Nickname(s) ~ None Currently

Age ~ 14

Gender & Pronouns ~Female - She/Her

Sexuality ~ Pansexual

Relationship Status ~ Single

Looks ~ Her warm ivory skin is speckled with light freckles and her eyes are colored like a frozen lake. She has rich brown hair cut just above her shoulders is a smol bean, only 5ft.

Looks Cont. ~ Lillith likes to dress in black leggings with cropped long sleeved shirts. She often wears her hair down with a bandana as a headband in her hair.

Year ~ 4

House ~ Slytherin

Status ~ Fourth Year Student

Species ~ Witch

Likes ~ The moon tattoo on her wrist

Dislikes ~ Snowstorms
I don't particularily love being one of the triplets but it's fun because we don't resemble each other too much. I was easily sorted into Slytherin because of the fact that I can't imagine myself fitting into well any of the other houses. I don't show traits for one specific house and I wanted to be in Slytherin like my family. ~ I spend most of my time sitting around listening to music but I like to sing, write songs, or annoy my roomates. I don't trust easily and prefer to be alone.

<iframe width="100%" height="300" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/771020275&color=%23e316f5&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true"></iframe>
About Peter:

Profile Picture ~ Asher Angel

Full Name ~ Peter Elm Vivianne

Nickname(s) ~ Tree { Best friends only }

Age ~ 14

Gender & Pronouns ~ Male - He/Him

Sexuality ~ Asexual

Relationship Status ~ Single

Looks ~ Peter likes to keep his dark brown hair slightly short on the sides and longer on the top. He has red eyes but they are dark enough they often get mistaken for brown or black. He is 5 ft 7 and not as thin as his brothers but also not as muscular.

Looks Cont. ~ Most days he dresses in his uniform without his robe and rolls his sleeves up but on days he doesn't have class he'll dress in a nice pair of jeans and a long-sleeved shirt or sweater.

Year ~ 4

House ~ Slytherin

Status ~ Fourth Year Student

Species ~ Wizard
I was often the center of my father's attention as he seemed to find no fault in me. As all of his others sons had something "wrong" with them and I seemed not to. He would put me on display at parties and events and talk about me like I was a possesion not a son. My mother hardly cared enough to do anything and it irritated me then and still does now ~ Most of my time is spent reading, studying, potioning, or at formal events. I like to spend time with my friends as well and sometimes people find me to be nice although it's hardly a word I would use.

<iframe width="100%" height="300" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/475564917&color=%23073d13&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true"></iframe>
About Rory :

Profile Picture ~ Laneya Grace

Full Name ~ Rory Elizabeth Vivianne

Nickname(s) ~ Ro, Ror { Pronounced Roar }, Baby { Siblings only }

Age ~ 12

Gender & Pronouns ~ Female - She/Her

Sexuality ~ Straight

Relationship Status ~ Single

Looks ~ Her long chesnut brown hair drapes down to her lower back and her strikingly light green eyes resemble those of a cat. She's only 4 ft 11 and a has an average build but she has some hips.

Looks Cont. ~ High waisted jean skirts with big t-shirts tucked in is her go to outfit. She also likes to wear anything ranging from pink beanies to black wide-brimmed hats.

Year ~ 2

House ~ Slytherin

Status ~ Second Year Student

Species ~ Witch, Vampire ( Can change based on RP )

Likes ~ Running extremely fast

Dislikes ~ Drinking warm water
One of the more favorited children, I got plenty of attention from my parents often getting spoiled rotten. I stole the show often times at formal events and I thrived in it. ~ I love attention and laughing with my friends. I would like to some how rule my year and get all the guys wanting to be with me and all the girls wanting to be me. Aside from that though I really like to run with my sister Evaleene in the woods, archery, playing piano, and singing.

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Wow.. you're still here? Thanks :3 well then.. I guess here's a little bit about me
Full Name ~ You don't need to know >3<

Nickname(s) ~ Bear, Idk what else, think of something creative and cute ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Age ~ Do I look like I remember when I possessed this body?

Gender & Pronouns ~<s> Female</s> Potato - She/Her

Sexuality ~ . • . ° ☆ b i s e x u a l ☆ . ° • . .

Relationship Status ~ Singlest Pringle in the can

Looks ~ Really dark brown hair that drapes down to a little longer than shoulder length and deep brown eyes to match. 5ft 4in and scrawny as a twig. There's some thigh on my leg but pretty sure it doesn't add to anything

Looks Cont. ~ I dress in so many different styles I confuse myself. If it helps, I really like socks. Especially fuzzy ones or really tall ones

Year ~ -3 ( I'm failing school ngl ;w; )

House ~ ♡ Hufflepuff :D ♡

Status ~ Still in school obvi x u x

Species ~ Bean

Likes ~ Turtles

Dislikes ~ Soggy food in the sink

Lives in an house that happens to have other humans also inhabiting it. - I enjoy watching anime, doing artsy or craftsy things, video games, playing flute. I also spend at least 94% of my life procrastinating. Good mental health? We don't know her.
I would really like some friends so hmu in owls or on my wall :3 if I like you enough maybe I'll drop the discord ;D

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