[No Name]


  • Joined April 2020
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


I was born into a Half-Blood family and sorted into Slytherin. I was so excited when I got my Hogwarts letter. I loved Care for Magical creatures class and was fascinated by dragons. Also, I played as a Keeper for the Slytherin Quidditch team. I always wanted to be a Quidditch player, but when I saw dragons in the Triwizard Tournament, I knew from that day I wanted to be a Dragonologist. I wanted to study, tame, and do anything with dragons. I am very skillful and a quick learner. I love to travel and see many different dragon types. One day, I hope to be the most famous dragonologist of all! And from Swedish Short Snouts to Hungarian Horntails, Dragons will always be truly amazing creatures.

Books Authored by [No Name]

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