My wand is 11' inches, redwood, and phoenix feather.
- Joined April 2020
- Member of Gryffindor
- 9 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
My name is Raven Jackson, and I have recently received my Hogwarts letter. At first, I thought it was a joke, as there is no such thing as magic. I threw my letter in the rubbish bin and continued on with my summer holiday. But, then the letters kept coming. Through the mail, the windows, even the doggie door! I realized that this couldn't just be a joke. I told my parents about it, and they said they would drive me to Kings Cross Station on September 1. They said if it was a joke to come back immediately because I was supposed to go to a prestigious private school for the gifted and talented. September 1 came, and my parents dropped me off, telling me to call them if it was a joke. I said alright, and went inside. I took out my letter and it said to go to Platform 9 and 3/4. I re-read it, thinking that it couldn't be right. I sighed, and went to lean against the column between platforms 9 and 10, as I was secretly hoping this magic school was real. As soon as I touched the column, I fell backward, and hit the floor. I came to senses, stood up, wondering what had just happened. It seemed that I had just fell through the wall. I took in my surroundings and sucked in a deep breath. I saw a family boarding their kids on the train. I followed their example and stepped. I approached one of the boys that had just boarded the train. " Excuse me, but is this the train to Hogwarts? ", I said. He turned around and replied, " Yup. Hogwarts Express. I'm Damian. " " Raven. ", I said. I followed him into a compartment, and we started to talk. Soon, the train reached the school, and we boarded boats to get up to the castle. When we arrived, we all formed a line and waited to be called for sorting. I was sorted into Gryffindor. We had dinner and then went up to our dormitories. Damian filled me in on everything in the wizarding world. And can I just say.... I'm a Muggle-Born and I'm proud. Also, I have some strange powers, that Damian told me no witch or wizard ever had or has. I don't know what going on... but I don't think it's good. I'm also a bit dark. I like the color black, and I would rather have a group of extremely close friends or family members, rather than a bigger group of not so close people.