Alexis Aurora


  • Joined April 2020
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


I come from a long and international line of witches and wizards, so it was unsurprising that I was sorted into Slytherin. Unlike many of my housemates, however, my siblings and I were raised in the no-maj world, in America, and grew up having just enough money to cover our needs, and occasionally our wants. All of my siblings attended Ilvermorny, but I wanted to live abroad. Arriving at Hogwarts, and especially at the Slytherin common room, was a shock.

I did well in Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts, and lucky thing, as I was taunted mercilessly for the first three years of my time at Hogwarts for not being wealthy, and for being queer. I also did well in Astronomy, dabbled in Legilimency, and obviously excelled in Muggle Studies (except my “first” 7th year; Carrow didn’t care much for my defense of muggles). When Voldemort (I don’t believe in the “You-Know-Who” nonsense) came back, I became emboldened and quickly learned to stand up for myself and my friends, many of whom were in other houses. Before you ask, Potter was nice enough, though we never really cemented a friendship. I didn’t know Prof. Dumbledore well, but had a great relationship with Prof. McGonagall. I still correspond with her from time to time. And Prof. Snape hated me. I think it was because I saw something in him that did not convince me of his act, and he knew it.

After Hogwarts, I moved back to America and worked for MACUSA in the Office of International Cooperation. I love languages and culture, and I believe that the best magic is the kind that brings humans together. I am also very active in the Office of Inclusion, where I try to help repair some of the wrongs of the past. It can be very difficult sometimes not to use magic against bigots or zealots, magical and no-maj, but how I fantasize sometimes of obliviating them so that they cannot remember their prejudices!

Most of my family lives in New York City, and while I still work at the Ministry, I ‘commute’ (aka apparate) from my home in Minneapolis.

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