Heroes of Legend

Summoned to Askr

“Life is soup, and I am a singular chopstick." --Owl me to RP, or post on my wall.

  • Joined April 2020
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


RP rules: Nothing mature please, I don't enjoy RPs more intense then a Marvel film, but I actually enjoy RPs that bluntly cover darker topics such as depression, abuse, PTSD, and those sorts of things that I feel need to be talked about. No controlling my character during fights or into mature situations. Don't swear.






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Age: 18

Birthday: 17th of the Blue Sea moon. (7/17)

Left handed

Relationship: Single most the time (straight)

Patronus: Rabbit

Personality: extroverted with a fondness for sweets, animals, and his friends back home. Wants to learn as much as they can.

Fears (In order of biggest to smallest): his friends dying. Loneliness, small spaces.

Likes: His friends, the feeling of adrenaline, adventure, talking to people, Animals. Dislikes: Mint, Sylvain, people hurting his friends, the idea of working at a desk. 

Favorite food: Gronder Meat Skewers

Alliance: Liecester Alliance

Hobbies: Sword practice and dueling, archery, freerun parkour, eating, caring for animals, learning.

Theme songs: (mid time skip) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUmpCrDQFW0 crimson flower post time skip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6B8Ddky2Uk

Nicknames: Bran (used by Mercedes or Annette sometimes), Fell Star's Guard Dog (used by those who slither in the dark).


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Name: Leonie Penneli

Gender: Female

Relationship: Starts single in most cases (straight)

Age: 19

Birth day: 8/21

Right handed

Alliance: Liecester Alliance

Personality: a proud trainer to impress her hometown village in which she is in debt, doesn't hesitate to speak her mind and express her emotions, meaning she is very honest. She has a competitive and cunning side that sometimes hides the sentimental one. As a young girl, she enjoyed painting but soon pushed it aside as she grew older. She hates being treated like other girls and takes on a tomboy persona. Childhood friend of Brandon, as he moved in with her family when he decided his parents couldn't live and feed him at the same time. ---------------------------

pre time skip post time skip Name: Claude Von Riegan

Gender: male

Relationship: Starts single in most cases (straight)

Age: 18

Birth day: 7/24

Right handed.

Alliance: Liecester Alliance

Nicknames/other names: Kalid, Mr. Leader Man, Master Tactician, The Schemer. (All used by everyone, except for Kalid which is his real name that no one knows.)

Claude is described as easygoing at the surface, but has a side that forces others to keep their guard around him. While appearing lazy and casual, he is far more astute than he lets on and is always a few steps ahead of his peers during conversations. He tends to get along with those he interacts with, but his nonchalant attitude to his duties as heir to the Leicester Alliance seems at odds with each other and sometimes frustrates his fellow nobility classmates, namely Lorenz. Despite this, he has a wealth of knowledge of the Alliance's current state of affairs and has enough diplomatic sense to understand the ramifications of certain potential actions of Alliance against the neighboring country of Almyra. He is a cunning strategist and is particularly skilled at mind games to throw his opponents off. He openly converses with Byleth of a ploy to give his house rivals food poisoning to give his house an advantage in the first mock battle. While he does not do so, he simply stated it to rile his rivals. He cares greatly for those under his command, valuing their lives and advises them to retreat rather than fight to the death. He abhors killing, only doing so if completely necessary; his tactics generally rely on incapacitating the enemy. His skills as a tactician have grown significantly after the time-skip that his guise of neutrality intimidates other nations' advisers, such as Hubert, as they know he has ulterior motives in hand. Claude dislikes blind faith in gods, as he prefers to rely on the strength of men. On the other hand, he enjoys archery, long rides, subjects of curiosity, poetry, scheming and organizing feasts.


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Name: Byleth Eisner

Gender: Yes. They are either male or female depending on RP.

Relationship: Single in most cases. (straight)

Age: Around 21.

Birth day: ???

Right handed

Alliance: varied.

Nicknames: Professor (used by everyone) Teach (used by Brandon and Claude), Fell Star (used by those who slither in the dark).


pre time skip post time skip Name: Edelgard Von Hresvelg

gender: Female

relationship: Single (straight)

age: 18

birth day: 6/22

right handed

Alliance: Adrestian Empire

May die

Nicknames: El (used rarely by Byleth and Dimitri), Edel (used by Brandon), Edie (used by Dorothea). Themes:

Pre time skip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSXuM2v0YLY

Post time skip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xe0dR6RH7mU


pre time skip post time skip Name: Mercedes Von Martritz

Gender: Female

Relationship: Single (straight)

Age: 22

Birth day: 5/27

Right handed

Alliance: Kingdom of Faerghus or sometimes Liecester Alliance.

childhood friend of Annette Nicknames: Mercie. (Used by Annette and Brandon)


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Name: Annette Fantine Dominic

Gender: female

relationship: Single (straight)

Age: 17

Birth day: 5/9

Left handed

Alliance: Kingdom of Faerghus or sometimes Liecester Alliance.

Long time friend of Mercedes Nicknames: Annie (used by Mercedes and Brandon)


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post time skip Name: Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd

Gender: male

Relationship: single (straight)

Age: 18

Birth day: 12/20

Right handed

Alliance: Kingdom of Faerghus

may die

theme songs: mid-post time skip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OhUmPWZ-hlo

--------------------------------- Name: Lady Rhea

Gender: Female

Relationship: Single (straight) (almost never romanceable)

Age: 1222+

birthday: 1/11 Alliance: Church of Serios

right handed

may die.


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Name: Yuri Leclerc

Gender: Male

relationship: Single (straight)

age: 19

birthday: 8/12

Alliance: himself/his band of thieves.

right handed

-------------------------------------------------- Name: Sothis

Gender: Female

relationship: Single (straight) (rarely/never romanceable)

age: 1250+

birthday: ???

Alliance: Byleth and/or Brandon Chorda Emerald.

right handed

a literal deity


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Name: Ferdinand Von Aegir

Gender: Male

relationship: Single (straight)

age: 18

birthday: 4/30

Alliance: Adrestian Empire

Right handed.


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Name: Ignatz Victor

Gender: Male

relationship: Single (straight)

age: 18

birthday: 3/14

Alliance: Liecester Alliance.

Left handed.

--------------------------------- Name: Cassandra Rubens Charon

Gender: Female

relationship: Single (straight)

age: 27

birthday: 9/15

alliance: Lady Rhea

Nicknames: Catherine (used by everyone, including herself.)


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post time skip Name: Ashe Ubert

Gender: Male

relationship: Single (straight)

Age: 16

birthday: 10/17

Alliance: The Kingdom of Faerghus


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Name: Lysithea Von Ordelia

Gender: female

relationship: single (Straight)

Age: 15

birthday: 2/28

Alliance: Liecester Alliance


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Name: Petra Macneary

gender: Female

relationship: single (straight)

age: 15 birthday: 9/7

alliance: Adrestian Empire and the Country of Brigid.


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Name: Felix Hugo Fraldarius

gender: Male

relationship: Single (straight)

age: 17

birthday: 2/20

Alliance: Kingdom of Faerghus

---------------------------------------------------- Name: Flayn

gender: Female

relationship: single (straight)

age: 1000+

birthday: 7/12

alliance: Her family


pre time skip post time skip Name: Hubert Von Vestra

gender: male

relationship: Single (straight)

age: 20

birthday: 4/17

alliance: Lady Edelgard


pre time skip post time skip Name: Hapi

gender: Female

relationship: single (straight)

age: 20

birthday: 1/15

Alliance: nonexistent


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Post time skip Name: Raphael Kirsten

Gender: male

Relationship: single (straight)

Age: 18 Birthday: 5/18

Alliance: The Liecester Alliance


Pre time skip: post time skip: Name: Sylvain Jose Gautier

Gender: Male

relationship: single (straight)

Age: 19

birthday: 6/5

Alliance: The Kingdom of Faerghus


Pre time skip: Post time skip: Name: Dorothea Arnault

Gender: Female

Relationship: Single (straight)

Age: 18

Birthday: 9/29

Alliance: The Adrestian Empire


Pre time skip: Post time skip: Name: Bernadetta Von Varley

Gender: Female

Relationship: Single (straight)

Age: 18

birthday: 12/12

Alliance: The Adrestian Empire

Major recluse, easily scared (especially by people)

------------------------------------------------------ Name: Seteth

Gender: male

relationship: Widowed (Straight) (not commonly romanceable)

age: 1000+

birthday: 12/27

Alliance: Church of Serios


Pre time skip: Post time skip: Name: Hilda Valentine Goneril

Gender: Female

Relationship: single (straight)

age: 18

birthday: 2/3

Alliance: The Liecester Alliance


Pre time skip: Post time skip: Name: Balthus Von Albrecht

Gender: Male

Relationship: Single (straight)

Age: 27

Birthday: 7/9

Alliance: Kupala


Pre time skip: Post time skip: Name: Linhardt Von Hervring

Gender: Male

Relationship: single (straight)

Age: 17

Birthday: 11/7

Alliance: The Adrestian Empire


Pre time skip: Post time skip:

Name: Constance Von Nuvelle

Gender: Female

Relationship: Single (straight)

Age: 19

birthday: 3/20

Alliance: House Nuvelle!






Name: Lapis Terrako

Gender: Male (species, Bion)

Relationship: Single (straight)

Age: 18

Birthday: 5/11

Alliance: Opal

---------------------------------------- Name: Opal Terrako

Gender: Female (species, Bion)

Relationship: Single (straight)

Age: 19

Birthday: 7/10

Alliance: Lapis

nicknames/titles: Zephy


Name: Destiny Miza

Gender: Female (species: Human)

Relationship: Single (straight)

Age: 18

birthday: 12/21

Alliance: Bions






Name: Alfonse

Gender: Male

Relationship: Single (straight)

Age: 19

Alliance: Askr

Nicknames/titles: Prince of Askr

----------------------------------------- Name: Sharena

Gender: Female

Relationship: Single (straight)

Age: 17

Alliance: Askr

Nicknames/titles: Princess of Askr

---------------------------------------- Name: Veronica
Gender: Female
age: 13
Relationship: Not romanceable
alliance: Emblia
Nicknames/titles: Emblian Princess

----------------------------------------- Name: Fjorm

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Relationship: Single (straight)

Alliance: Nifl/Askr

Nicknames/titles: Princess of Ice


Name: Anna

Gender: female

Age: 25

Birthday: 6/11

Relationship: Single (straight)

Alliance: Askr

Nicknames/titles: Commander

 ----------------------------------------- Name: Eir

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Relationship: single (straight)

Alliance: Askr

Nicknames/titles: Merciful Death


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Name: Lif

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Relationship: single (straight)

Alliance: Parallel Askr. army of Hel (temporary)

Nicknames/titles: Lethal Swordsman ,Alfonse.

Theme song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBgHbGB_KVY

-----------------------------------------   Name: Thrasir

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Relationship: single (straight)

Alliance: Parallel Emblia, army of Hel (temporary)

Nicknames/titles: Omnicidal Witch, Veronica.









Name: Chalcen Andesine

Titles/Nicknames: Chalace, Chalcy, Somniel's guardian, the ringkeeper.

Age: 28
height: 5'7

Gender: Male
Relationship: Married to Yunaka (straight)

alliance: The Queendom of Solm, the Kingdom of Brodia, Queen Lumera's bloodline.

Emblem: Emblem of Duality


Name: Emblem Brandon
Nicknames/titles: Emblem of Duality, Brandon Chorda Emerald, Bran, Enraged Demon, Rage Awakened.

age: infinity (emblems are neither alive nor dead, and don't age)

height: 5'11

gender: male

alliance: Chalcen
Emblem ring: Ring of the Split Mercenary






Name: Chalcen Andesine, Emblem Brandon

age: 28

height: 5'7

gender: Male

relationship: Married to Yunaka

alliance: The Queendom of Solm, the Kingdom of Brodia, Lady Lumera's bloodline.

Skillset: Agile and stronger then ever, uses fists, a chain knife, and dual swords to ravage anyone who dares oppose them.

titles: Emblem of duality, Rage Awakened, Enraged Demon, Somniel's guardian.



Name: Yunaka Andesine
Age: 22

Height: 5'5

Gender: Female

relationship: Married to Chalcen

alliance: the kingdom of Brodia

Emblem: Emblem of Dawn




Name: Emblem Micaiah

title: Emblem of Dawn

age: infinity

gender: female

height: 5'10

alliance: Yunaka

Emblem Ring: Ring of the Dawn Maiden




Name: Yunaka Andesine, Emblem Micaiah

age: 22

gender: female

height: 5'5

relationship: married to Chalcen

alliance: the Kingdom of Brodia

title: Emblem of Dawn

skillset: using potent healing magic and long ranged spells, the engaged Yunaka becomes a reliable support on the battlefield, instead of her more aggressive role she played before.



name: Alear

titles: divine one, divine dragon, traitor, your dragonness, overgrown lizard, boss

age: 1000+

Gender: yes

Height: 6'1

Relationship: single

alliance: humanity

emblem: emblem of beginnings


name: Emblem Marth

titles: Emblem of Beginnings

age: infinity

gender: male

height: 5'8

alliance: Alear

emblem ring: ring of the hero-king






Name: Alear, Emblem Marth

age: 1000+
gender: yes

height: 6'1

relationship: single

alliance: humanity

titles: emblem of beginnings, divine dragon

skillset: a paragon of swordsmanship, very fast and precise while leaving few openings.



Name: Veyle

nicknames/titles: Fell Princess

Age: 1000+
height: 4'7

gender: female

relationship: single

alliance: Alear

Emblem: Emblem of Awakening




name: Emblem Lucina

age: infinity

titles: emblem of awakening

gender: female

height: 5'7

alliance: Veyle

emblem ring: Ring of the Exalt Princess







Name: Veyle, Emblem Lucina

age: 1000+

height: 4'7

gender: female

relationship: single

alliance: Alear
titles: Fell Princess, Emblem of Awakening

skillset: a well rounded fighter, capable in using lances, bows, and swords. versatile and able to defend or attack with equal skill, though lacking in any amazing strengths, also lacks any glaring weaknesses. Able to hover in the air for short periods of time.




Name: Anna

Age: 12

height: 4'9

Gender: female

relationship: No. Just no.

alliance: her family, money.

titles: tricky merchant, child, Lady Anna

Emblem: N/A




name: Mauvier

Age: 31

Height: 6'4
Gender: Male

relationship: single

alliance: Lady Veyle

Titles: Royal Knight

Emblem: N/A




Name: Alfred

Titles: Crown Prince of Firene, Floral Protector

age: 21

height: 5'8
gender: male

relationship: single

alliance: Kingdom of Firene

Emblem: Emblem of the Holy War




Name:  Emblem Sigurd
age: infinity

titles: Emblem of the Holy War

gender: male

height: 6'3

alliance: Alfred

Emblem Ring: Ring of the Holy Knight






Name: Alfred, Emblem Sigurd

age: 21

height: 5'8

gender: male

relationship: single

alliance: the Kingdom of Firene

titles: Floral Protector, Emblem of the Holy War, Crown Prince of Firene

skillset: An exceptionary rider, becomes a terror to fight when they are on horseback, capable of landing sigular blows at a time that are precise and powerful. Able to create openings and break sieges with great efficiency.




Name: Etie

titles: Fitness Fighter, Retainer to Alfred

Age: 18

height: 5'6

gender: Female

relationship: Single
Alliance: Prince Alfred
Emblem: N/A




Name: Boucheron
Titles: Alfred's smiling Retainer

Age: 23

Height: 6'2

Gender: male
Relationship: single
Alliance: Prince Alfred
Emblem: N/A




name: Brandon Chorda Emerald

title: saint of the calamity

age: 22

height: 5'11

gender: male

relationship: single

Alliance: Ganon


Name: Umbra Revenant

title: Forest Shadow

age: 20

Height: 6'3

gender: male

relationship: married

alliance: Yuri


Name: Yuri Revenant

title: Night's Slaughter

age: 19

height: 6'

gender: female

relationship: married

alliance: Umbra


Name: Shi

title: The First Saint

age: 843

height: 6'5

gender: female

Relationship: dead

alliance: Ganon

Name: Soulcage

title: Restless Dead

age: !&;<*#£>¥\*{€<!%+|'

Height: 6'1

gender: <€#+?!#\!<¥?}!%£?+

relationship: dead

alliance: <+|?€#£~<!#+,€#'


Name: Okina Okashina Hana

title: Nature's Wrath

Age: 1000+

height: 13'8

gender: plant

relationship: plant

alliance: nature







Name: Jiko Shuchu

age: 19

height: 5'8

gender: male

relationship: single

alliance: himself


Name: Bonnie Muhtal

Age: 15

Height: 4'10

gender: female

relationship: single

alliance: her band

Name: Khayin Muhtal

Age: 46

height: 5'8

gender: female

relationship: single

alliance: money and status




name: Brandon Chorda Emerald

nicknames/titles: Royal Flush, The Edge Demon

age: 24

race: sinner demon

height: 5'9 (normal) 12'4 (monster)

occupation: owner of the Golden Plane, most popular casino in the underworld

gender: male

relationshp: single (and not all that interested either)

cause of death: assassination

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