

  • Joined April 2020
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 33 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


(Older Student) Being a Hufflepuff in her sixth year at Hogwarts is nothing short of a roller coaster. I come from a family of what wizards call Muggles; I'm the firstborn in my family, so you can imagine my shock when an owl hand-delivered my acceptance letter all those years ago. Ever since then, I've devoted every waking moment to being the best witch I can possibly be. My best class is Charms, but you don’t want to know how many hours I spend hunched over the books, memorizing every last detail. I enjoy Transfiguration, Potions, and Herbology because of all the hands on work. Or as others sometimes call it: “hands-off-the-quill-work.” Cheeky, isn't it? When I’m not studying, you can find me chatting up my friends in the common room, writing, or playing piano in the Music room.

Books Authored by Bailey

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