
Alumnus of Hogwarts

  • Joined April 2020
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


I was (and still am) a proud Hufflepuff and was selected as such by the Sorting Hat based on my quick friendship and fierce loyalty therefore making the selection immediate. Charms was probably my favorite class and I enjoyed Herbology though I was (and still am) rubbish at it. I was not a huge fan of History of Magic and though I was fair enough at Arithmancy, I did not particularly enjoy it. I am muggleborn but I have not ever let that affect my life negatively in the Wizarding World. There were a few that had pity on me in school but I shrugged it off and proved myself through determination. I was at Hogwarts the same years as Harry, Hermione, and Ron but was much in the background. I stood up for what I thought was right when He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named tried to take over the school but was also very frightened the entire time. But, I put on a brave face and helped younger students escape the school safely. My greatest strength to this day is my fierce loyalty. However, that is also my greatest weakness. It has often caused me heartache throughout my life. I "graduated" Hogwarts following the Battle at Hogwarts and chose to enter the work force right away. I have been an educator and am now doing my best to help muggles in their every day lives. I personally hope to own my own bakery in the future. I feel the most fascinating aspect of magic is the courage it gives one. I would like to use magic most to help others but I'd by lying if I didn't want to use it to further my ownself. If I am being honest with myself, I hope to one day raise a family. I am currently married to a wonderful muggle but we have yet to further our family in any form other than the three female felines we own. They are named for the muggle movie saga, Star Wars: Leia, Padme, and Aayla. Leia is a chubby, ginger cat that is intelligent and loving. Padme is a fluff ball that behaves more like a dog. Aayla is a skinny tortoise shell and is hilarious. I come from a long line of muggles but I hope that any children I may have in the future may show some magical talent and I relish the thought of teaching them the love of magic some day.

Books Authored by Hannah

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