Liyah Evans

Student/Magic Researcher

And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places.

  • Joined April 2020
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 20 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • South Africa


Name: Liyah Evans
Hair: Wavy ebony
Eye Colour: So black they're sometimes blue
Height: 5'6
Blood: Half-blood
Sexuality: Bi
House: Ravenclaw
Patronus: Mongrel Dog
Wand: Ash wood with a unicorn hair core, 10" and unyielding flexibility
The Evans are a big family of seven kids. My mother is a muggle but her grandfather was a wizard so she already knew about magic by the time she met my dad. We grew up mostly around muggles though because Mum thought that it's important in case any of her kids don't get their letters. (My two older brothers didn't. The oldest is a squib and the second is just muggle.) The remaining five of us have either gotten our letters or shown signs of magic so when the youngest reaches eleven, we definitely know he's letter is coming. Mum's blown up greenhouse attests to that. Suffice it to say, don't take away his iPad until he's ready.
There's nothing great about my family except that I know my father fought in the war as the brave and heedless Gryffindor he was and that my grandad from Mum's side was in the Order and killed before the Potter era. Mudblood, you know? He didn't get to see the peace.
I wanna be a traveler who writes about magic all over the world. Everything works so differently and people learn and know such beautiful things. Who wouldn't want to know about all that?
Generally, I'm a friendly person. I love to talk so if you're not feeling up to it, you can just listen. But if you feel like venting, guess who has the best reactions to give you? Companiable silences are a gift of mine too.
Love Quidditch but I'm deathly afraid of heights. So I'll cheer from the stands, thank you. And you'll hear me too!
Okay, enough of that.
If you want to RP, owl me or post on my wall. Just have good grammar and be prepared for long replies (which I expect back). And have a good imagination without going overboard. I take my RP's very seriously.
Can't wait to get to know you!

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