Riley Terragon R


  • Joined April 2020
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Canada


TECHNICALLY , i am 29% Gryffindor, 25% Ravenclaw, 25% Hufflepuff, and 21% Slytherin, nut i feel more connected to Hufflepuff compared to all of them, as for being a hatsall, i dont really know, it wasnt immediate, but it wasnt long either. i dont know what my favorite class is yet but im really intersted in the herboligy so im probably going to spend a LOT of time on that. i am a Half Blood but ive usually considered myself more wizzard than muggle. my greatest strength, in my opinion, is either my Loyalty and ability to keep secrets, my openness to new experiances or my connection to animals and other creatures. my greatest weakness is either my CONSTANT HUNGER XD, or my fear of spiders and other creepy things. when i finnish school im thinking of either going to a muggle art college or becomming an art teacher in the muggle world. the first 11 years of my life i had NO IDEA that i was a wizard, but even before i found out, i was so interested in EVERYTHING about magic, especially the different creatures, ESPECIALLY the Dragons; Dragons have been EVERYTHING to me ever since i was about 8. when i graduate, i want to use magic to help others, but im not gonna lie, i might use it to help myself sometimes too. What i really want is to learn everything there is to know about magic and the wizarding world.
Now randome things!!
i live with my mom, stepdad and brothers in a TINY town in the middle of nowhere but its nice. lots of cows.i have two cats at home, Pepper and Marvin. Marvin is kinda old and grumpy but hes always up for a snuggle; Pepper is younger than marvin and has a bit more energy but she isnt as snuggly, she prefers to lay down in the middle of your bed and sleep so you cant fit. I also have two brothers, one older one younger. my older bro is V E R Y mean and always tries to give me a heart attack but we get along and my younger one can be kind of a turd, ESPECIALLY with soap, but hes cute so we also get along.
my dad when i was REALLY young so i dont have any memories of him until two years ago when he told me i was a (part) wizard!
i am happy with friends and a supportive familly that always has my back and hopefully i make some new friends here at HIH!

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