Sir Ma Jic

I am an Energy channel-er.

  • Joined April 2020
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 88 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Out of the histories of Ireland is a clan of Mystics. They are common folk in all appearances except to themselves, because they know what they are, they are the Druids of Ireland. As the loving christ religions swept their land, all who did not convert or at least appear to be converted, were killed in horrible ways. The Jic clan worked to blend in, to be even invisible and of no importance so no attention was ever given to them. Behind close doors, in quiet candle light they learned ancient meditations, and energy channeling and castings. Now word had come to them of a special school with a strange name, Hogwarts, that will take outsiders and train them in all kinds of mystical arts. All the families gathered to choose one who is ready, of a muture age and confident in his secrets. There was one who was the choice of all, Sir Ma Jic. But is he too old, is he too set to learn a new culture? Can he fit himself into a young culture? Sir Ma Jic accepted the appointment.

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