I come from a pureblood family of Slytherins, so when I was sorted into Ravenclaw the pressure was on to be top of my year!
- Joined April 2020
- Member of Ravenclaw
- 54 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
Nobody ever said it would be easy to be a Ravenclaw in her first year at Hogwarts. I come from a pureblood family of Slytherins, so when I was sorted into Ravenclaw the pressure was on to be top of my year! Both of my parents were very unavailable, so I kept to myself and taught myself about magic, especially Charms and potions, which I do very well at. Transfiguration is another story though....I’m very empathetic and when I put the sorting hat on it debated lengthily as to whether I should be placed in Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw, finally deciding on Ravenclaw.
M parents Named me Lilith, meaning "ghost" or "night monster" which I think is ironic because my last name is Angel!
I seriously Recommend Enrolling in Potions Professor Von Graft is Amazing!!
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