OWL me anytime if you wanna chat:)
- Joined April 2020
- Member of Slytherin
- 44 House Points
- 1st Year

My name is Thea!
I am a pureblood, from the smith family.
When I first got my Hogwarts acceptance letter I got really nervous, since I was the worst witch of my age.
My family would agree too.
I will still do my best and hope to make many new friends.
Just OWL me or post on my wall and I will gladly respond.

I am a booklover to the core<3
Some of my favourite are:
Harry Potter ofc
The selection
Dork diaries
Night School
and The Lurar Chronicles<3

I really enjoy music and good movies
Such as Harry potter and Star wars.

If you wanna roleplay, don't be afraid to owl me:)
Btw, I'm new to rp so not that good